13-Poisonous Damage

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When they entered the hospital, the first person who met them was Nurse Joy, she greeted the two as if they were old friends.
-“Hello again, Silver, I see you brought your boyfriend!” She smiled. The comment made the redhead blush, but he shook it off, Krystal just scoffed, telling the nurse they had to get Gold healed up after he was attacked by two pokemon, not specifying who's pokemon it were, obviously she had some remorse in her voice.

As they waited for Gold to awaken after being treated, Krystal and Silver sat near him, the silence was almost deafening to the two.
Neither of them could tell what to say to the other.
What had gone wrong? What went so horribly wrong that they now had to sit and wait for more consequences of their fight?
There was nothing left to talk about, they barely spoke to each other since that night at the fountain, but they both knew closure was owed.

-“Silver....i deeply apologize for...for everything, i should've never gotten so petty and jealous, and now i dragged Gold into it and almost got him killed” Krystal broke the ice first. Her statement caught Silver's attention immediately. She thought about what she did, it was such an immature reaction that even she herself could agree. Her feelings for Gold were becoming a lot stronger these days, but she was scared of what it would mean if she attempted to get back with him. “If this will make it up to you...I surrender, you win the battle” Krystal added, trying to hold back tears, she was ashamed of herself and she hated that she had acted this way, she knew she would regret it forever, it was just easier to just give up, and maybe she'd forget all this in time.

-“Krys...I think I should apologize too, this was also my fault...” Silver looked over at Gold who was still unconscious. “This isn't something that can be fixed without talking about it...” He continued. “I'm sorry” he added, looking over at her briefly.
The teal haired woman nodded her head slightly, looking down, thinking about the events of that night once more. Her stomach began to churn and her breathing quickened slightly, holding back the urge to break down in a crying, sobbing mess.
-“Silv? could you promise me one thing?” Krys suddenly asked, catching Silver's attention again, a confused expression present in his eyes.
-“What is it?” He questioned, turning towards her.

She stood up and went to Silver's side, gently taking his hand.
-“Take care of Gold for me, give him the love that I couldn't give him before, make him the happiest trainer in the world alright?” she asked, her gaze locked onto his.
Silence enveloped the area for a few seconds. She could hear how fast the young man's heartbeat was picking up, she was afraid of what might come next, Silver's grip on her hand tightening.
Without hesitation he nodded his head slowly.
-“Of course, after all...it's what he deserves”  he replied quietly.
Krys let out a sigh of relief, letting go of Silver's hand and pulled him into a hug. Silver's eyes widened momentarily at the sudden embrace, but he quickly recovered and leaned into the hug.

After a moment, Gold seemed to regain consciousness. He groaned lightly, sitting up and rubbing his forehead which was pounding in pain as if it was bleeding. When he opened his eyes, he saw a concerned Silver and a teary eyed Krystal staring back at him. His eyes widened slightly when he realized what happened last night, which made something snap in his mind.

-“What the hell were you two thinking back there?! you were risking your lives fighting over me?! I'm not some prize to be won! whether Silver won or not I would've still chosen him!” He exclaimed angrily, coming as a shock to both Krys and Silver, Gold had never lashed out on anyone like that, he was always so cocky and happy that whenever he would actually be angry, it was so out of character, it was even threatening, giving the idea that if he was furious, whoever made him mad really oofed up.
Krystal turned her head away, she couldn't bear to look at Gold any longer, she had felt guilty enough already, what was she going to do if Gold hated her for this?.

-“Gold listen, Krys and i already apologized to eachother, and i think nows the best time for the both of us to apologize to you”  Silver tried reasoning with Gold.
-“You know I can take care of myself, i don't need your protection! i am no one to be protected! I almost froze to death just to beat Red on top of Mt Silver when I was 11 years old for Arceus sake!” the dark haired male snarled, blinded by frustration and anger, the redhead felt forced to hold Gold by the shoulders.
-“Gold Heart! hear us out for a moment alright?” Silver pleaded, trying his hardest to get through to the older boy, his eyes filling up with tears and a hint of worry showing through his features. “I'm really...really sorry for going through with Krystal's challenge, I didn't realize this would end up this way...I understand if you want to break up right now” Silver started, seeing the other calm down a bit hearing those words from Silver, his warm tone being so unusual yet so calming.

-“I'm sorry too...i hate to admit that i was jealous...sickly jealous, and i was petty enough to cause all this mess and get you hurt instead of moving on” Krystal confessed, her voice cracking slightly. “Please forgive us” she said softly.
Both Krys and Silver expected Gold to yell at them, for his rage to flare up and explode with rage, but it never came. Instead a soft sigh came out of his mouth, soft golden irises gazing down at his own lap.
-“I forgive you two...but please, dont let a battle get out of hand like that again...” he finally said with a soft smile, adjusting himself in the bed but whincing in pain. “ugh...how bad were their attacks?” Gold asked trying to get comfortable in the bed.
-“Well...Meganium's attack poisoned you and feraligatr's attack dislocated your wrist by the force of it” Krystal answered. “the nurse already cured you from the poison and popped your wrist back into place while you slept but you wont be able to move it until it's healed” she explained further. Gold gave a small nod in response.

Of course the recovery wasn't speedy, once Gold was discharged he had an immobilizer on his wrist so it could heal better, it made the usual chores pretty hard to do, so the rest had to help him with it, especially Silver, Gold would sometimes struggle with cutting up vegetables for dinner so Silver would offer his help. However Silver didn't really know how to cook, so Gold had to instruct him on what to do, it was quite the learning experience.

About three weeks later, Gold's wrist had fully healed and was just like new, the dark haired trainer was ecstatic with happiness, not that it restricted him of much, but the brace was getting really uncomfortable for him, it was a huge relief to have it taken off. And it gave Gold and Silver the opportunity to have the pokemon battle Silver had waited for since the holiday tournament began, but instead of having a regular battle as Rivals, it would be a playful battle as lovers.

It was a long and tough battle, but one was chosen as the victor.

-“I...i won?” Silver muttered to himself seeing Gold's typhlosion had fainted, the golden eyed man smiling warmly despite his loss.

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