3-Shattered Crystal

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Only a couple of days left for the tournament to begin, and training was a must, Silver took his chance to train with Lyra and Krystal, those two were quite different from eachother though, while Lyra was her usual happy go lucky self, Krystal seemed to have gotten more calm and recollected, yet she was also quite intense, especially when it came to battling. The three trainers were sitting together in the living room after a long day of training, Gold bringing blankets and hot cocoa for everyone. Since the weather was getting cold, there was no chance they were going out tonight, so maybe sitting at home and watching a movie was the best option.

Their partner pokemon all huddled up together for warmth, Gold's typhlosion helped the other three get warm with a bit of her heat.

Silver would just go to his room and sleep there, but he decided not to, sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, having to put up with Krys flirting with Gold, and Lyra...just being Lyra. The movie they watched wasn't something he heard of before, it felt like a christmas romcom, something about a lady that hated Christmas and a guy who loves it, he didn't really care about the plot, he just drank his hot cocoa in peace.

Half an hour later, the movie ended with the main characters kissing under the mistletoe, Silver yawned every once in awhile feeling quite sleepy himself, Gold noticed and decided to get Silver to sleep, taking him to his room and helping him into bed.
-"I can tuck myself in thank you very much!" Silver said with an annoyed tone, making Gold giggle a bit and let him rest.
-"Good night then..." Gold said leaving, making his way to his bedroom.

A few minutes later, Silver would wake up to his phone buzzing, groaning a bit, he sat up and picked up the call, not bothering to check who it was.

-"Silver...i knew you'd pick up" Silver's eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice behind the call.
-"What do you want, Giovanni?, cant you tell it's 4 in the morning?!" the redhead snapped, of course his father had called him at this hour, ever since that man had fallen ill, he's been requesting for his son to take his place as leader of Team Rocket, and every single time, the redhead refused.
-"Listen, i know you're not a fan of our group, but consider all of the benefits of being in my place right now" the older man spoke, slowly irritating the younger adult, making him stand up from his bed.
-"How many times do i have to tell you? No benefit of your stupid organization will benefit me. EVER! And stop calling me, especially in the middle of the night!" Silver snapped harder, practically yelling into the phone before hanging up, and as if right on queue, he heard someone coming. He most likely woke Gold up from his yelling.

-"Silv? Is everything alright?" Gold asked quietly, Silver sighing and putting his phone down.
-"im fine...its just old man Giovanni bothering me...that's all" Silver said as he headed right back to bed. "just act like nothing happened and we'll be fresh for tomorrow" Gold was quite concerned by these answers, but nodded in response.

On the day before the tournament started, the four trained as much as they could, Silver was pretty proud of his pokemon when he finished one of his many battles, he even managed to beat Gold, the latter smiling warmly when he saw the red head's pokemon had beaten him twice. He was going to try and take Silver on tomorrow, though he wasn't sure how they'd be set up with their opponents, maybe they'd be set with eachother right away, maybe not, there was no way to know for sure.

As Silver settled comfortably in his bed, his mind began to wander, he hadn't exactly been able to focus on training the day before and it bothered him, he tried to distract himself as best as possible, but still, his mind wandered, eventually stopping on that certain dark haired boy. He sighed tiredly before drifting off to sleep.

When he woke up the next morning, he was greeted by Gold entering his room with a tray, he had a smile on his face, making the younger male curious.
-"Mornin' sleepyhead" Gold greeted cheerfully, Silver simply grunted in reply
-"What time is it?" Silver managed to say before Gold sat the tray in front of Silver.
-"8am, we got a few hours before the tournament starts so eat up and get cleaned up" the golden eyed male responded while sitting next to the redhead, the tray had a cup of coffee and some sweet pastries.
While Silver was eating his breakfast, Gold continued chatting with him, telling him about things that happened yesterday and asking about how the others did during the training. Even though Silver didn't care about the conversation, he couldn't help but listen, when Gold deviated the conversation to the holidays, it slightly irritated him, but not as much as it would've normally, why? He hated the holidays, he thought it was unnecessary and something for companies to cash in on, like has Gold even seen how crowded it gets in shopping malls at that time of year? He found the whole thing annoying. But for some reason, when Gold was talking about the time he would like to spend with other champions, the food, and all the games they could play, it didn't sound all too bad. But his main priority was still the tournament.

After a while, the group was getting ready for the tournament, only a few hours left yet something seemed off, Gold and Krys had gone to the bathroom to talk, Silver wasn't sure what they were talking about, but something told him it wasn't something really good, Krys looked heartbroken, while Gold looked a bit melancholic, did they break off their relationship? For what reason? He had no time to wonder about it or even ask Gold or Krystal about what happened, they put their coats on and headed to the tournament.

But there was someone who knew of what happened. Lyra. Krys had talked to her after her conversation with Gold, maybe she could tell Silver what it was about?.

Once they got to the stadium, Silver whispered to Lyra.
-"I dont wanna seem nosy, but what's up with Krys and Gold?" Silver asked, readying his things. His suspicions were confirmed once Lyra answered his question.
-"Gold broke up with Krys, he said that he thought it wasnt working out between them and decided to stay friends" Lyra whispered back to Silver, the redhead frowned and turned back to look at Krys, she seemed fine.
He didn't understand, Gold had never been like that with anyone...but his thoughts were interrupted as they heard the announcer call the quartet of trainers into the stadium to present them to the crowd.

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