16-Enchanting Love

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Things went pretty smoothly once they got to Kanto, as the new leader of Team Rocket, Silver commanded to revert the evil deeds his father had done and focus on greater things, such as helping the Pokémon Giovanni had harmed. His actions resulted in many members joining him on his mission, with the cost of others abandoning the team, though it made no difference, after all, things were looking up for Silver, and Gold supported him as always.

On the other hand, Gold got a part time job as an assistant at a pokemon center near the base, making sure any pokemon was healthy and comfortable. The two spent their time together on a daily basis, they talked every night, and whenever they werent busy with their duties, they would cuddle eachother under the covers. Their relationship grew stronger by each passing day, not even the now former Team Rocket executives could get in between it. It seemed only Proton and Sham were alright with this new plan.

Gold smiled as he taught a young kid how the healing process worked for pokemon, until he heard the doors opening, turning to them he saw his boyfriend along with Proton approaching him.

-"Gold Heart, a letter came in the mail" the tall redhead spoke with a smug smile, the dark haired male smirking back.
-"Silvy, how many times do i have to tell you that you dont have to be so formal?" Gold teased playfully smacking Silver's chest. "And a letter? really? that hard was it to text us?" he added with a smile, Silver chuckled in response.
-"Maybe its something special" Silver answered letting Gold open the letter.

"Together with their families, Dawn Platinum and Lyra Soul request the honor of your presence at their wedding" the letter read. Both Silver and Gold froze on the spot, looking at eachother. After a short period of silence, the two men looked at eachother again and smiled.

The couple got their things ready as the date of the ceremony came closing in, taking a train back to Johto and spend a few days with the couple as well as see what changed while they were gone. Lyra and Dawn were closer than ever, and it made Gold smile once they told him he'd be Lyra's man of honor, of course the two were best friends since forever so it was obvious.

Another surprise to the two men arose when Krys announced to them that she had a girlfriend, expressing how she regretted not experimenting with relationships before, but either way, Gold and Silver were curious as to who the lucky gal was, but she insisted not to disclose her identity till the wedding, she thought it would've been a better opportunity for them to get to know her then.

On the day of the wedding, Gold helped Lyra get ready as her man of honor, styling her hair and adjusting a few minor details on her overall look, he couldn't help but get tears of joy seeing her giggle happily in her dress, she was gorgeous, and he clearly saw her as some form of sister.

Once Gold arrived at the altar, he saw Silver talking to Krys and an unknown blonde girl with a red hat on. He decided to join the conversation once he finally reached them.
-"Silver! there you are" the short male spoke with a smile, Silver returning it before placing a kiss on Gold's lips.
-"So how's Lyra? no last minute disasters?" the redhead teased making the other roll his eyes with a smirk.
-"Nope, none at all" Gold responded glancing at the unfamiliar lady, but before he could ask her name, he heard someone tell everyone to get in position and that the brides were coming, and so they did.

The doors opened to reveal Lyra and Dawn with their arms linked together, Lyra wore an adorable light pink dress along with a flower crown on her head, the veil hanging behind it, Dawn had a light blue dress with her own matching flower crown and veil.They walked down the aisle side by side.
As soon as Lyra and Dawn were standing in front of eachother, the officiant stood in front of them.

-"We are gathered today for the union of Lyra Soul and Dawn Platinum, as a sign of commitment from the hearts of eachother, and also of love for their families and friends who witnessed them grow to adulthood and live through a tough life together. May love bloom strong between the two." Speeches were given, vows were exchanged, and when the officiant popped the questions, both excitedly said yes. Everyone cheered and congratulated the happy couple with words of support, and hugs with kisses.

After that, the reception began, Gold, Krystal and Dawn's two friends giving their Speeches to the happy couple before the rest of the events, the dinner, the Waltzing, the slideshow video of the brides, the cake cutting and the bouquet tosses, which Gold tried to catch but unfortunately wasn't able to once one of Dawn's friends beat him to it. It was a fun time, especially when the party started.

As Gold and Silver sat down to rest and drink some water, they noticed Krys and that blonde lady across the table, the two looking back at them once they noticed their presence.

-"Gold! Silver! you were wondering who this was right?" Krystal spoke loud enough for the two to hear them through the music. "This is Serena, my girlfriend, she moved in from Kalos. Serena, this is Gold and that's Silver, two of my friends" she added before the three greeted eachother warmly.
Serena was quite a beautiful woman, having long, wavy blonde hair and wearing a pretty red skirt and a black top, the sleeves reaching halfway past her elbows. She was stunning.
-"It's nice to meet you" she stated, Silver and Gold just nodded with a smile.

the group spent quite some time together, Silver and Gold heading outside to get some fresh air once in a while, Serena and Krys staying inside and chatting over some wine, but overall, the three couples had a bunch of fun together, dancing and yelling lyrics to the songs being played.
Soon the guests began leaving one by one, leaving the three couples, Dawn's friends and the families of the brides to clean up, and once that was done, the remaining people went to their respective homes.

Lyra and Dawn offered their friends a ride home, and while it was hard to fit eight people in a single car, they managed by having atleast one person in the trunk, that being one of Dawn's friends, a blond man with an orange dress-shirt, as well as having Gold on Silver's lap and the rest all smooshed up in the back seat, which was quite the hilarious experience, But once each respective person got to their place, it was getting more comfortable.

Gold, Silver and Krystal were dropped off at the apartment, Lyra had moved in with Dawn so there'd have to be a spare room, but that wasn't a problem. As the trio went in, they saw their pokemon sleeping peacefully together, the babysitter they hired to care for them for the night also asleep on the couch.

After all that was settled the three headed off to bed, Gold sleeping with Silver in his bed, cuddling under the covers before doing so. The next few days were spent hanging out with Krys and Serena, visting Gold's family, and helping out Lyra and Dawn prepare for their honeymoon to Alola. And after that, Silver and Gold got their own luggage and bid their friends goodbye as they would go back to Kanto and resume their duties in their respective jobs.

The End
(for now)

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