12-Tarnished Rivalry

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Silver arrived to the fountain, Gold following behind since none of them knew what Krys needed, especially after dinner, they haven't seen her at the apartment, presumably having eaten somewhere else on her own.
As he looked around, the taller saw loose teal hair, curled up almost like he had years ago, along with a yellow beanie on, that was definitely Krystal, he spotted her leaning against the fountain with her chin in her hands as she stared down at the water.

-"Krys..." Silver started.
Her head suddenly jerked upwards as she looked over at the dark haired trainer, pulling a fake-ish smile.
-"Silver, you came... Glad to see you" she then turned towards Gold, sighing lightly to herself. "I should've mentioned you were supposed to come alone..." She muttered.
Gold looked confused by Krys' behavior until he saw the round buldge in her jacket pocket, something felt off.
-"Oh well, it doesnt matter if he's here, he'll see what's about to go down" she added, taking the pokeball from her pocket and letting her meganium out of it. The grass type growling slightly at the sight of Silver. "I told you about Gold not being interested, but if you're so devoted to him then prove it! lets battle right here! right now!" she exclaimed pointing an accusing finger at him.

Silver raised an eyebrow in confusion.
He never expected this to happen, he thought Krys would've cooled down by now, but maybe she still hasn't gotten over her anger towards Silver. Silver knew Krys was strong, she not only was a Johto Champion but she also won the holiday tournament. But he wasn't gonna let her status stop him, he loved Gold, and he was willing to prove it to him.
Silver released his feraligatr from its pokeball and undid his low ponytail, throwing the hair tie on the floor only a few inches away from his feet, prepared to fight for the short male's heart. Krys smirked to herself, ready to show Silver who was boss.

Gold could do nothing but watch nervously, he was worried what would happen if Krys decided to use her power over him. If Silver won there'd probably be no escalation from there. But if he lost he'd have to deal with whatever consequences she had in store for him.
He hoped he wouldn't lose, quietly rooting for Silver to win. He had to remind himself that if he won then there was still hope for the relationship between them.
But it would be hard to keep that mindset when he could see the look on Silver's face as he battled against Krys' attacks. That confident smirk on his face, that cocky smirk, the smug gleam in his eyes...how could he ever be sure that Silver would win?

It wasn't that he doubted his rival, he knew Silver was powerful, but the longer the battle dragged on the more doubts flooded Gold's mind. Krystal had trained her meganium so much and now it seemed unbeatable, not to mention the type advantage it had against the water type feraligatr and their previous battle at the tournament that had Silver so hot-headed. It was obvious that her meganium would prevail if it used its abilities on the opponent. But what would happen to Silver afterwards? He couldn't risk losing him like that, did this battle have to be the deciding factor on who he'd end up choosing to be with? what if Krys won but he wanted to be with Silver?.

Silver and Krys shouted commands at their pokemon, the battle getting way too out of hand, it was not only hurting the pokemon themselves, but the trainers too, as the meganium used every tactic that it could think of against the feraligatr. A bullet seed attack was careless enough to not just hit the opponent, but also Krys' body, it injured her more than usual; several cuts on her arms, bruises on her knees, and scratches upon scratches on her body. Silver wasn't looking too good either, his hair had gotten soaked in water after he fell into the fountain, also hitting his head and back on the flooring, a slight cut on his cheek and bruises on his elbows.

Gold knew he had to stop it, his typhlosion breaking out of her pokeball and holding him back before he did anything reckless, the young man gritted his teeth, trying to get free of his pokemon's grip. But with a bit of force, he broke free and got in between the two sides, just as both pokemon launched attacks at eachother.

Those attacks would end up hitting Gold, crying out in pain hoping it would reach Silver and Krystal's ears.
And it did, Krys widened her eyes and commanded her meganium to stop, Silver did so too, his heart racing at the thought of having hurt the man he loved.
Gold's typhlosion rushed to her trainer and held his unconscious body before beginning to scold the other two pokemon in its own language.

Silver and Krystal looked at eachother, both shocked at what happened.
They both realised how dangerous it all was, how foolish they were for actually believing this would solve anything, it didn't solve anything at all. The only thing that changed was their friendship, if you could call it that.
The two pokemon stopped attacking and returned back to their Pokeballs, leaving Gold's typhlosion holding its unconscious master. Silver and Krys said nothing to eachother, but they could both agrees on one thing, that they had to get Gold healed up, and fast.

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