7-Golden Angel

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The young men ran towards the snow, Silver grabbing a handful of it and throwing it at Gold, making the latter yelp, but that quickly changed into a huge smile.
Gold ran towards Silver and threw some snow at him as well. The redhead laughed loudly as he grabbed a bunch of snow, running after Gold to attack him. After throwing several snow balls back and forth, they began chasing each other through the snow.

After an hour or two of playing in the snow, tackling eachother or making snow angels, they layed next to eachother panting. They both shared a quick glance and giggled at their current condition, they were covered in snow and mud, their clothes covered in ice and water, and their hair soaked.
They stayed silent and enjoyed the cold weather for a while before the redhead spoke up.
.-“That was fun…” this was really comforting for him, it somewhat reminded him that no matter what happened, he would never be alone, as long as Gold was there. Even though he'd always deny it, he was happy to have someone like Gold to rely on.
Gold nodded, chuckling slightly, he looked over to Silver and saw how peaceful and serene he looked, his expression showing genuine happiness and content.
It was strange for Gold to see Silver smiling this much. To have the younger man being able to actually enjoy his time together without fighting, he felt a warmth spread through his chest, he liked seeing this side to Silver, it felt nice and warm, it made his entire body light up and he felt happier than ever. He was falling in love all over again, just with someone different now.

The two got back to their apartment and washed up, eating dinner together since Lyra and Krys were still at the stadium, and even talking about what had been bothering Silver earlier, Gold listened intently to the taller rant about how unfair it was to be forced to a position such as leader of team rocket, it made him think about something that could help him out.

-“How about...you can use the inheritance for good?” the dark haired male suggested, Silver thinking about it carefully.
He didn't know how to feel about it, he honestly felt bad because he had been so focused on Giovanni's dying wish, and then suddenly everything fell apart.
All of sudden he found himself unable to deal with the fact that Giovanni had actually ignored his refusal, but maybe...Gold was right.
Giovanni could give out any order and the team would obey with no question, so what stopped him from ordering to free the stolen pokemon and give back to those who were harmed?.

-“I could give it a shot...” He whispered quietly and then turned to meet Gold's eyes, noticing the worried expression on his face.
Gold was surprised to see his rival looking at him with such trust and joy on his face, his face softened at the sight and he chuckled a bit before placing a hand gently on Silver's comfortingly.
-“Don't worry…I'm sure it will work out in the end” Gold said reassuringly.
Silver smirked at him and looked away for a second, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

Silver didn't really care about the tournament anymore, no matter who won, whether it be Krystal or that Unova champion, he just wanted to spend time with Gold, and boy was he lucky, there would be an after party on Christmas eve, and while Silver still didn't really care too much about the whole festivity, he felt it was right to be there, as long as he could be close to the shorter male.

The group got ready for the party, each getting a backup set of clothes just in case the games got a bit messy.

As the others were getting changed, Silver couldn't help but stare at Gold, he looked beautiful, but then again he always looked beautiful. The ravenette walked over to Silver and looked up at him, giving him a smile.
The younger male couldn't hide the large smile growing on his lips, he didn't know why Gold always made him feel like this, like everything was perfect when Gold was around, he felt all warm inside, and when his hand brushed against the smaller males, it felt like electricity was coursing through his veins. Whatever this feeling was, it was different from the happiness he had felt the day he was eliminated.

They headed to the party, and once they got there, everyone greeted the group.
There was a huge buffet table set up, food of every kind spread across it, people talking and a couple of games set up in some of the corners.
As soon as Gold saw two familiar faces, he ran towards them, wrapping them in a tight hug.
-“Red! Blue! You're actually here!” He exclaimed letting them go, Silver approaching them calmly.
-“Goldie! How's the little guy handling those top scars?” Blue asked with a smile, ruffling Gold's hair, Red giggling and smiling at them.
-“I'm handling them really well actually, i didn’t see you two participate though” Gold answered with an innocent look on his face.
-“Haha, well we decided to give ourselves and our pokemon a break and watch the tournament from the sidelines” Blue answered with a shrug, Gold nodding along with them, Blue turned to Silver and smiled. “And you, i didn't expect to see you participate, you did great over there in the semifinals” He added, Silver rolling his eyes playfully.
-“Yeah, yeah whatever, i gave it my all, little miss yellow beanie just caught me offguard” he chuckled, Blue chuckling with him and glancing at Red endearingly.

After some time they sat down and ate dinner, though Silver could feel like he was being watched, looking over at Lyra, she seemed to be giving him a mischievous look, whatever was in that mind of hers? She seemed to know something he didn't, but he shrugged it off until they all finished eating, to which everyone did their own thing. Lyra then dragging Silver to a quiet place.

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