8-Scaredy Skitty

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-"Well Silver, i see that look you give Gold these days" Lyra said with a playful smirk, her tone almost teasing.
Silver tensed, a small blush creeping across his face.
-."What look is that?" he questioned hesitantly.
-"You two are clearly very close, so i was wondering if there was anything happening between you" Lyra responded with a knowing gaze, making the taller blush even more.
-"Ngh...no! We're just good friends, what makes you think there's something between us?" Silver asked, trying to act confident and cool, yet failing miserably.
-"Maybe the fact you two are hanging out on your own recently? He seemed pretty worried about you when we realized you left" she said with a chuckle, Silver blushing furiously and stuttering awkwardly, before clearing his throat and shaking his head to try and calm himself down.
Lyra raised an eyebrow at him, her smirk widening as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
-"Okay, okay i'll tell you what: I might be getting some kind of feeling for him...but didn't he recently break up with Krys? I dont wanna get into anny issues with her, i already have my plate full of issues" He explained with a sigh, rubbing his head in annoyance. She just chuckled and shook her head.
-"Don't worry i'm not gonna spill it, but if you need my advice, don't beat yourself up over it okay" Lyra said softly with a supportive smile, before giving him a small box wrapped in a gift. "Give it to him when it turns 12 alright? And dont be a skitty, tell him how you feel" she added before going off with some girl with a white beanie on her head and a piplup in her arms.

Silver was about to say something, but then sighed and took the present, shrugging a bit before putting it in his bag and heading towards where Gold and the others who were chatting and eating. He was no skitty, and he will prove it by waiting till 12 to give this gift to Gold, no matter what it was.

It felt like forever, and only 20 minutes left for the clock to strike 12, Gold pulled Silver to the outside area, it seemed quiet and it seemed like it was just the two of them.

-"Silv, dont you think i forgot about your special day" the shorter said pulling out a gift, wait...what special day?. "Happy birthday, Silver!" He exclaimed with a bright smile, the taller couldn't believe it, it was his birthday? And he had forgotten? He forgot his own birthday?
-"Oh..." was all Silver could reply in shock.
Silver had never really celebrated his birthday. It felt so irrelevant compared to this current situation, but now that Gold had brought it up, he really should've remembered, it's not like he had ever celebrated it in the past anyway. "Would you believe me if I told you I forgot today was my birthday?" He asked with a nervous laugh, Gold looking at him curiously. "Well actually...i mean, I don't think anyone knows it was my birthday anyways, so, thanks, but its okay. Just happy you remembered!" He assured, smiling lightly at Gold. Opening the gift, he couldn't hide the wide grin that grew onto his face at what he saw inside. It was a plush totodile, looking like the one he had as a partner pokemon before it evolved into croconaw and then into feraligatr, it was the cutest thing ever, and he wasn't one to like cute things, which made it even more special.

He held out his other hand, taking the toy in front of Gold with both hands. "Thanks" he said happily, giving Gold a big smile. Silver quickly hugged him, hugging him tightly before releasing him and turning his attention back to the Totodile, he couldn't stop himself from laughing as he played with it.

Suddenly hearing the people inside, it made him realize something, it had struck 12, meaning Christmas arrived. Silver put the plush in his bag and took out the gift Lyra gave him, remembering what she said to do with it. Holding the gift towards Gold, he saw the other's eyes light up.
-"Merry Christmas, Goldie" he said as a way of saying thank you for the best days he ever had in his life.
Gold immediately started tearing up from happiness, hugging Silver tightly and squeezing him, tears falling down from his cheeks. Silver laughed gently patting him on the back with one hand, hugging the shorter as well with the other. Gold soon opened the gift, smiling brightly as he held it.
Silver watched Gold, as he opened up the gift slowly, carefully unwrapping the wrapping paper, revealing a golden bracelet, with a love ball charm on it. His mouth dropped slightly and he stared intently at the charm.

-"It's...it's beautiful, thank you so much, you shouldn't have" Gold thanked as he put the gift on, the chain dangling loosely around his wrist, Silver smiled and nodded before looking away, the pink tint on his cheeks starting to fade, looking back down.
-."You're welcome" he mumbled quietly, feeling flustered as he glanced towards Gold again, holding out his hand for the other to take it, Gold did so with a smile, being taken to the nearest sitting spot with Silver.

So the two sat down, looking at the sky as the fireworks began to go off, the sparks flying everywhere, illuminating the scene. They both watched them with a gentle expression on their faces as they enjoyed each others presence, a content and peaceful atmosphere surrounding them.
Silver looked at Gold once more, watching him look excitedly at the fireworks, his lips parted and a soft, warm smile gracing his face. He couldn't have asked for anything more than to have Gold by his side for longer, he really wanted to hug him, hold him and kiss him until neither could breath properly anymore, to make sure he would always stay with him. But he wasn't able to bring himself to do that, afraid that doing it too early would ruin this moment, so instead he stayed silent, staying close enough to be able to touch his hand if needed.

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