15-Warm Hearts

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Silver hadn't seen Gold that morning, he was told that he had an emergency at his mother's pokemon daycare, which gave Silver no choice but to bid his goodbyes to Lyra and Krys.

He and his feraligatr walked together towards the train stations, getting his partner pokemon in its pokeball before going into the subway, he had to wait a while for his train to arrive, so he began thinking about Gold, his dumb smile, his wide golden eyes, his hair and chin beard, when he saw him for the first time in ages he was annoyed at first, but thinking back to their meeting, he couldn't help but feel his heart throb, he couldn't believe how happy Gold made him, he was truly the light at the end of the tunnel, someone he could count on, a friend. He motivated him to pursue his dreams, made him the man he is today, he was his inspiration, his best friend, his rival, the love of his life, his partner.

It was going to be painful having to let go someone who transformed you for the better, someone who got you on your knees for them, someone who loved you no matter what and would always be there to help you through the rough times, it was hard to imagine parting ways with him, he didn't wanna be away from his side for even just one second...maybe that's why he had the most trouble to say goodbye, even if they were going to see eachother soon.

All these beautiful thoughts and memories managed to get the best of Silver, for the first time, he felt vulnerable, tears running down his cheeks as he maintained his serious expression, he really did love Gold, there's no denying it...

But like if it were a blessing, he heard an all too familiar voice behind him.

-"Silv!" Turning around he saw him, it was Gold, one of his hands behind his back as he ran towards the taller.
-"Gold?! w-what are you doing here? you're not trespassing are you?" Silver asked upon realizing it was him, resisting the want to hold him close and kiss him. The dark haired male chuckled.
-"Nope, if I was you'd see guards or police after me, it looks like you're not going alone anymore" Gold said with a smile, the hand behind his back revealing his own suitcase and taking out his own ticket to Kanto. Of course this shocked Silver, this was so unexpected after all.

-"You...you're really going to Kanto with me? what about the daycare? or the girls?" Silver asked a little confused, but the happiness beginning to overwhelm him.
-"Lyra took my position and my mom encouraged me to go, she was ecstatic when she heard we were a thing" the shorter explained, assuring that everything was going to be ok.

Silver started to feel ecstatic himself, he smiled and pulled Gold into a tight hug, lifting him up a few inches from the ground, the other playfully giggling as he hugged Silver back. Once Gold was let back onto the ground, he noticed Silver's eyes beginning to stream tears down his face.
-"Silv? are you...crying?" he couldn't help but ask, Silver beginning to wipe them away as best he could.
-"Thank you, Goldie, I...I can't say how much this means to me" the red haired male responded, leaning forward to kiss Gold. The other responded by placing his hands behind Silver's neck, deepening the kiss. Soon, they began to break apart, smiling at each other lovingly before hugging tightly once more, embracing each other tightly.

Once they pulled away from eachother they sat down next to eachother on the bench, Gold resting his head against his chest, wrapping his arms around his partner's middle and closing his eyes for a few seconds.
Soon enough their train arrived and everyone quickly got up, heading off into it with their luggage. Silver and Gold heading in as well and sitting down in one of the last rows of seats. It felt so nice being together again, it felt so natural, so normal.
They watched the scenery pass by outside the window once the train started moving, both of them holding hands, feeling comforted in eachothers presence.There truly was no way to separate these two lovers, their strong feelings were not gonna cease any time soon.

There was nothing more Silver wanted than to never let go of his beloved Gold.

Cold Metal, Warm Hearts (Preciousmetalshipping)Where stories live. Discover now