6-Hurts like Hell

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The finals were on their way, and Silver got to hang out with Gold some more, which ended up being a lot better than he initially thought it would, it was fun messing around with him once more and he even forgot about the crushing weight of his failure.

The snow lightly fell onto the stadium, Silver, Gold, Lyra and their partner pokemon were sitting together (though Gold and Silver were closer) as the three were gonna watch Kyrs take on the other finalist, a champion from Unova.
Kyrs stood tall and confident, the aura surrounding her was almost intimidating, she was clearly a tough opponent. Everyone seemed pumped up, ready for the upcoming battle, and while Silver was also watching, something didn't seem right to him, he felt something was going to happen.

And indeed it did, he felt his phone vibrate, this time he did check who it was, and of course, it was a call from Giovanni, so he rejected the call and tried to focus on the battle.
The Battle started, each finalist taking out their first pokemon. But Silver felt the vibration again, this time it was another call, and he ignored it, he knew it would most likely be his father wanting to talk to him, again he turned it off and focused on the battle, but that didn't stop the buzzing sound from going on in his ear. It took longer and longer till the buzz stopped, but after a few more moments, it came back.

Silver was slowly getting irritated by the buzzing, so he decided to finally answer.
-"For the love of Arceus what do you want!?" Silver spat as he picked up.
-"This is Ariana, im sorry to inform you that Giovanni has passed away" the voice at the other side of the line spoke softly, it left the redhead stunned, he wasnt sure how to respond to this, he knew this was coming eventually, the man had gotten so sick that not just himself, but everyone in team rocket had requested at least once that Silver would be his successor.
He sat there speechless for a good five seconds, and then a tear came to his eye. He was sad, angry, upset, confused and hurt, all at once.
-"So?... you're gonna ask me to be the new leader right?..." Silver asked quietly, not wanting Gold nor Lyra to overhear him.
Ariana nodded, her voice soft as ever.
-"Yes Silver, we've already discussed this, I'm sorry, but I know that you wont accept this position no matter what we tell you" she said quietly, and Silver grit his teeth slightly.
-"I dont care...you can make anyone your leader, im not going to do any of that, just leave me alone" he muttered, trying his best to hold back the lump in his throat.
-"However, Giovanni has already made the request, so you'll have to take the position either way" Ariana stated firmly, her words leaving Silver feeling shocked.
He knew that this was coming, Giovanni had gone from acting distant towards him to actually wanting him as his heir. This was what enraged Silver most, he was losing his patience with this woman and everything to do with her or Giovanni, the man could've been his father, but that wouldn't change anything he did to Silver and all those people and pokemon they harmed. This was the drop that spilled the glass, the straw that broke the camerupt's back.

-"You and your organization can all GO.TO.HELL" Silver growled angrily, and after saying that he hung up the phone and roughly put it in his pocket, leaving the stadium with his feraligatr, hoping no one else noticed them.

The pair didnt go too far, they just sat at a bench in a nearby park, Silver couldn't stand to watch anymore of this tournament, he needed time to think, space, and he needed it as soon as possible. So once they sat down, it allowed him to relax a bit, clearing his mind with the sight of the park itself, the snowflakes gliding down, slowly forming piles of snow in some spots of the place, melting in others, and mixing with the dirt ground.
His breathing calmed down, he let out a heavy sigh, it was all over. There was nothing more that he could do, he couldn't stay here, he had to go back, but at the same time he didn't, the sounds of crowd's cheers and the pokemon's cries overwhelmed him after a bit, so maybe staying here was a better option, even if it was getting colder by the hour.

He soon noticed his feraligatr beginning to shiver, sighing lightly he took out his pokeball, indirectly asking him if he wanted to go in, his pokemon nodded, and so Silver let it in the ball, and so he was on his own now, out in the cold of winter with not much to warm up with.
He was sitting there looking at the ground, staring into nothingness, but that wasn't helping him focus, he still felt that burning sensation inside him, like he was about to explode anytime soon. His body trembled slightly with anger and grief, yet he somehow managed to hold it all back.

But he then heard that warm voice again.

-"Silver? What are you doing out here on your own?" Gold walked up to him, his eyes filled with concern.
His attention snapped back to reality, he sighed loudly, turning to look Gold in the eye.
-"Nothing, Im fine" he lied, it was obvious to the shorter male that Silver wasn't 'fine'.
Gold stared for a while before sitting next to Silver, his typhlosion sitting at Silver's other side and spurting her fire out a bit to warm up the two.

They stayed silent for some minutes, both of them lost in their own thoughts until Gold broke the silence.
- "If you really don't wanna talk about it then..." Silver looked at him for a moment before continuing, "...then i wont stop ya"
Silver smiled slightly, nodding lightly.
After a few more minutes of silence, Silver spoke up again.
-"Hey Gold?"
-"Do you remember when we were kids, and we used to have some battles outside in the snow?"
-"Of course I do!" the golden eyed grinned, his face lighting up slightly.
A small smile appeared on Silver's lips, he really remembered that day, they fought against one another constantly and often times they would get a little hurt from their pokemon's attack, but they enjoyed every second of it. Silver remembered when they defeated Gold in one battle, he was so proud of himself, thought all he showed was his usual snarky weak hating self, to be fair, he was glad he left that personality behind.

-"This might sound really childish but...do you wanna maybe mess around in the snow?" the redhead asked with a slight chuckle, Gold felt his heart flutter as he heard it, he never really thought that he would see that adorable soft giggle come out of Silver's mouth, he was sure that he wouldn't show that kind of stuff, but he showed some form of laugh, and it warmed his insides, he had to admit that it was really cute hearing such a soft giggle.
The other nodded at the question, letting his typhlosion in its pokeball and going with Silver.

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