9-Sparks and Kisses

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As the fireworks died down, they all went back inside, enjoying the last few hours before the party ended. Silver and Gold talked some more, before the two were soon interrupted by something, an Ambipom hanging above them, holding something quite interesting.
It was a Mistletoe, it made Gold blush when the realization hit him, Silver however, was unaware of what it meant and thought nothing of it as it dangled in front of them. The other guests let out some sounds of awe or surprise, some even chanting for them to do it, do what? Silver had no idea, until Gold whispered into his ear.

-"You dont know what the mistletoe does huh?" Gold asked, not waiting for an answer before continuing. "When two people stand under a mistletoe, they have to kiss" Gold explained in a straightforward fashion, Silver turning nearly as red as Gold was, do they have to? even if he did want to, how could he be sure if Gold wanted to as well? well there was one way to find out.

The two gave eachother awkward shrugs, indirectly asking eachother if they wanted to do this until they both decided to screw it, Silver pulling Gold by his waist and Gold taking Silver's shoulders, they pressed their lips against the other's, hearing all kinds of cheers and whistles. After kissing for what felt like forever, the two separated, both blushing heavily, looking anywhere except at eachother. However, Silver noticed Gold fidgeting, a hint of a smile growing on the male's face.
-"You liked that, right?" he teased with a smirk. Gold huffed lightly, rolling his eyes playfully.
-"Yeah yeah, i guess it was okay" He responded with a short laugh, making Silver chuckle while the now satisfied Ambipom went down and moved on to the next pair, who just happened to be Red and Blue. The two males chuckled and didn't even hesitate to kiss.

Soon enough the party was over, the Johto group walking home together, Krys held Lyra as they walked, she seemed to had gotten drunk on the champagne and eggnog and was now rambling about the girl with the piplup and how cute she was.
-"Wow Lyra i didnt know you were such a Casanova" Krys joked while rolling her eyes.
-"W-well duh~ i had around 3 girlfriends back in high school and yes they all smoked we-" Lyra stumbled in her words until Gold interrupted.
-"Alright guys, we're here" Gold said as he opened the apartment door, Krys and Lyra going to their separate rooms while Gold and Silver sat in the living room.

Once they had settled themselves and everything had been cleaned up, Silver got up and came closer to Gold, who seemed confused, he looked up to him, seeing the taller boy staring at him intently. Before any of them could say something though, Silver cupped Gold's cheeks, leaning in a little bit, their faces only inches away.

-"Silv? you alright?" Gold asked, his cheeks turning red.
-"Something about that kiss...It wasn't...bad" Silver admitted, feeling the urge to just blurt out his feelings, but he wanted to settle them right before speaking so he could explain them properly.
-"Oh yeah, that mistletoe kiss, but what do you mean?" Gold questioned further, blushing more from the event around and hour or two ago.
-"I didnt hate it, in fact...i kinda want to...do it again...if that's alright with you" Silver answered quietly, his voice becoming quieter with every word that passed through his lips. Gold was quiet for a moment.
-"Sure, why not" He finally replied with a nod, grinning shyly, a hint of a blush on his own face. Silver grinned back at him, before leaning in again, keeping himself balanced by placing his hands on the shorter's thighs as they pressed their lips together, the quiet ambience was a lot better than the loud party with people cheering for them.
They continued to kiss for several minutes, neither willing to pull away until the lights around the apartment turned off. Getting the message, they broke away to see a tired Krystal leaning on a doorway, her arms crossed while she glared at them.

-"What are you two doing out of your beds? you might wake Lyra up and she's still drunk" Krys snapped quietly, clearly annoyed and glaring hard at Gold and Silver. Gold instantly backed away, his face redder than a Groudon's body.

Silver stood in silence for a while, not wanting to admit that he was kissing Krystal's ex knowing what happened a week earlier.
He sighed and turned towards her.
-"Sorry, we'll go to sleep, i swear" Silver said before heading to his room, giving Gold a glance before closing his door.

Gold let out a deep sigh as well, before going to his room as well. Sitting on his bed, he looked at the bracelet he was wearing on one hand, letting out another sigh. He wondered whether he should keep it or not, having broken up with Krys a week earlier, falling in love with his own rival and kissing him unaware Krys had seen them. After thinking about the matter for awhile, he decided that it would be fine if he kept it.it's not like there's much danger in it since it was just a simple chain.
He sighed again, laying down on his bed, curling up underneath his covers. Closing his eyes, he allowed sleep to come over him and fell asleep soon after, dreaming of a certain red headed male.

What woke him up the next day were Lyra's sounds of pain, "maybe she did drink way too much" he thought as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes to adjust to the bright light shining into his eyes. As he blinked several times, trying to wake himself up completely, he got up from his bed, heading to the bathroom to see Krystal massaging Lyra's shoulders, the brunette had been throwing up into the toilet from her hangover.

-"This has to be the worst Christmas morning ever!" Lyra whined as she cleaned herself up, Krys helping her friend stand up.
-"Atleast you had fun last night, do you want me to ask Dawn if she can come over to accompany ya?" Gold asked with a warm smile, holding the young woman and helping her get to the couch to rest.
-"Yes please" Lyra responded while Krystal got her some medicine to help with the nausea. Gold nodded and took his phone out to call the Sinnoh girl to come over, it didnt take long for the two to agree that Dawn would come over in a few minutes, so once they hung up, Gold notified Lyra and went to Silver's room

Slowly opening the door, he smiled seeing the redhead male still asleep, he softly stepped into the room, sitting next to Silver's bed to reach out and place a small hand on Silver's head, running it through his soft locks. For a minute or two, all Gold heard was Silver's steady breathing, it was peaceful, calming and almost like music to Gold's ears. Soon enough though, Gold noticed Silver was waking up from his touch, he removed his hand from the redhead's hair as the other opened his eyes slowly, his gaze landing on Gold who returned a soft smile towards him.
-"Hey sleepyhead, I called Dawn to come over and take care of Lyra"

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