11-Heart Attack

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Silver planned on leaving Johto in a month, though what Krys had told him didn't stop him from hanging out with Gold some more, they even had dinner with his mother and got along quite well, according to Gold's mother, Silver was a gentile and collected man, she even mentioned she would've loved to have a child in law like him.
Gold blushed at the comment, she was right, and boy was she going to be surprised if Gold and Silver ended up together, but that was only an IF. Gold quickly realized his feelings for Silver, he knew it was love, and was doubting the possibility of Silver liking him back, but it was sort of odd, why would Silver want to kiss him after the party? if he didn't like him, he wouldn't have asked to kiss him.
But regardless, Gold decided to ignore the doubts, it didn't matter how the future played out, right now was all about now, and Gold would accept that as part of the progress.

Gold and Silver had gone out with their pokemon to the park, that same park where they played in the snow during the tournament finals, except now the pokemon played while Gold and Silver were sitting nearby watching, Gold sat leaning against Silver while the trainer was reading his book.
-"We should get some waffles from that food truck later, I'll pay for them!" Gold suggested.
Silver hummed softly before looking down at Gold who smiled brightly at him, making his chest warm slightly.
-"You really wanna get waffles from there?" Silver said closing his book.
-"They serve it to ya extra warm! and they give you a cup of hot cocoa for free!" Gold responded with a smile, this seemed to have convinced Silver, so the two got some waffles for themselves.

Gold and Silver were having a nice conversation, laughing at stories Silver told of his misadventures with Giovanni, how he managed to escape once through a window in order to gain his freedom, how he battled many trainers before getting back in contact with his father, and the entire ordeal with the position as leader of Team Rocket, Silver was obviously still bummed about it, but talking about it with Gold helped to ease the stress.

-"I still cant believe he would still make you leader after so many times you said no" Gold pointed out, frowning softly.
-"Yeah...i wonder how things would've turned out if he was...not leader of a criminal organization yknow?" Silver mumbled before continuing with his food, hoping Gold would find a different topic of conversation.
Thankfully, Gold wasn't one to push, instead taking a sip of his hot chocolate before he continued.
-"Um...this may be really unrelated but i...ahem, i got something to confess" Gold said, his cheeks turning a bit red as he averted his gaze from Silver's.
The redhead stared in surprise as he put his cup down gently on the bench beside him. What did Gold have to confess to him?

-"You can tell me anything" Silver reassured him, reaching his arm around and squeezing his shoulder slightly.
Gold nodded slowly.
-"Well...i um...remember when we kissed at the christmas party? and then at the apartment before Krys caught us?" Gold began hesitantly.
A blush dusted over Silver's face as he recalled that night, remembering all the good memories from that night as well as the bad ones that followed after, especially the kisses and the bonding on that particular night, he remembered that time fondly.

-"Mhm" Silver answered quietly.
-"So um...if you liked it maybe we could try doing something else...I dunno, we could go on dates or somethin'..." Gold spoke, sounding nervous.
Silver's face turned bright red at those words as a grin appeared on his face.
Yes, definitely YES! Dates, yes! And maybe other stuff too! He couldn't help but chuckle a little before replying to Gold.
-"So you're asking me to be your boyfriend?" He chuckled, seeing the shorter's face turn redder.
-"N-NO!- i mean- y-yes- i mean like-....if you want to?" Gold stuttered.
The redhead giggled again, grabbing a hold of one of Gold's hands that was resting beside him.
-"I can't see why i wouldnt want to, even if i tried" Silver said softly, placing a soft kiss onto Gold's knuckles, he felt Gold squeeze his hand and gave him a gentle smile.

Silver brought the young man closer, the two of them closing the gap between them before their lips met for a sweet yet passionate kiss. As they pulled apart, Silver could feel a slight spark run through both of them, a feeling that Silver hadn't felt with anyone before, a feeling that he wanted to feel more of.

He didn't know exactly how long the kiss lasted, but by the way that his heart was beating he guessed it couldn't have been too long either. They finally separated from the kiss and just gazed into each other's eyes, neither one daring to break eye contact. After few moments of silence Gold spoke, chuckling a little.
-"Hey...can I ask you something?" His voice quiet and nervous, Silver nodded.
-"Sure, what is it?"
-"Can I take you somewhere tomorrow?" He paused, staring deep into the other's silver coloured eyes.
- "Heck yeah" Silver smiled lightly.

While the two men enjoyed their time together, Krystal finished up her paperwork, having to put up with Lyra and Dawn bonding in the living room, but she was more focused on herself and Silver's argument time before, she was upset that Silver had probably taken her man from her, she really loved Gold, and for the new leader of Team Rocket to just get with him some time after Gold broke up with her, it infuriated her.

She realized she might've taken Gold's love for granted at times, but she knew she loved him, and obviously the breakup would hurt her, she was mad at herself, while also mad at Silver for getting in the way, because it seemed like he was the main reason she lost Gold.
With her mind made up, she grabbed her coat and made her way outside.
Krystal walked to her car and sat inside. She took out her phone and sent off a text to Silver:

Silver, meet me tonight by the fountain, and bring your strongest pokemon

After pressing the send button, she took out a pokeball from her pocket, the one holding her meganium.

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