14-Cold Metal

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Silver watched the shorter male approach him and smile, pulling him into a hug.

-"Congrats Silver, you won!" Gold said pulling away from the hug and cupping the redhead's face with his hands tenderly, he kissed him on the lips, feeling how the other returned his kiss with equal passion.
When they parted they kept their foreheads pressed together. The two proud of eachother for all they've gone through, not just recently, but of all that happened since their adventures began years ago.

Though there was still an issue, Silver still had to leave for Kanto in around a week, and he still hadn't told Gold or the girls.

Silver had woken up in the middle of the night, his feraligatr sitting next to his bed and quietly emitting a sound.
-"You're seriously asking this now? should i really tell them so early?" Silver sighed and asked his pokemon as if he knew what he was asking about. The pokemon made another sound, crossing his arms and raising an invisible brow at its trainer, which with Silver's understanding made the redhead think about it, maybe he did have to tell them some time before he left, it would maybe leave him some time to bond with Gold some more and get closer as boyfriends, but then what? how would they keep their relationship when they're living on different regions? Would it really be fair to keep this up, knowing that neither of them wanted to stop being together when they were in reality not even sure if they'd ever get to see eachother again?
That wasn't an easy decision to make.
He looked over at his pokemon, watching as it looked back at him with a sad look, it was like it was hoping for him to tell the others the truth.
Silver sighed sadly, he felt like he had to.

-"So...why'd you call us here to talk?" Lyra asked as she, Krys, Gold and Silver sat at the table quietly. Silver took a deep breath, beginning to explain.
-"In about a week...I'll be leaving to Kanto, i never meant to stay here for this long but...now i don't think i want to leave" Silver admitted, looking at the floor guiltily.
He heard his friends gasp, not expecting that, they stared at eachother for a few seconds, before turning their attention to Silver.
-"So...what does this mean to your relationship with Gold?" Krys asked, Lyra gasping again at the reveal and snapping her fingers.
-"Ha! i knew you had something for Gold!" Lyra exclaimed, unintentionally causing an awkward silence to begin, upon realizing this she retracted her excitement with a short apology.
-"I... wouldn't know...I'm not really good with long distance relationships, and Gold...well, he has a part on deciding on what happens to us" the redhead answered, glancing at the dark haired male across the table who avoided making eye contact with him.

-"Is there really nothing you guys would rather do to avoid splitting up!? You love eachother! I know you do! It was obvious since the christmas party and now after a few weeks together, you're already saying goodbye?" Lyra spoke up, trying to sound hopeful, but failing badly, she was quite confused about this entire thing. Silver and Gold remained silent, avoiding the girl's gaze.
After a few minutes of silence, Gold broke it.
-."We...we will try to work things out...if we can..." he mumbled, his voice sounding weak and broken, he was clearly struggling to find the right words to say.
-"But...you're not gonna come back?" Krys questioned worriedly, looking at Silver for an answer.
-.“I...don't know...mainly cause now that I'm leader of Team Rocket...I don't know whether I'll be able to visit  anymore…” the redhead whispered, keeping his gaze down.
Everyone was quiet for a few moments before Gold stood up and spoke again.
-“Hey...look at me” he said gently, grabbing Silver's chin to lift it up and turn it towards himself to meet his eyes. “I want you to promise me that you will come back to us some day, no matter what, okay? I don't care if it takes forever, i want to spend every day of my life with you no matter where we are” Gold insisted, placing both his hands on both sides of Silver's face.
Silver nodded at the request while staring deeply into his boyfriend's golden orbs, the two men giving eachother a sweet loving smile for a brief moment before Gold lowered his head slightly, connecting his forehead with Silver's.
The younger male felt Gold's warmth spread throughout his body and soon placed his hands on his waist.
-“I Promise” he whispered, his breath fanning over his partners lips, he leaned forward to close the gap between them, the pair kissing eachother softly.
The couple pulled apart after a few moments, gazing into eachothers eyes, basking in eachother's presence.
-“Dawn and I will send you an invitation to our wedding when we have them ready!” Lyra said happily, getting their attention, the rest exchanged amused smiles amongst themselves as well.
They didn't realize how much they'd missed these moments in their lives together. They could only hope that they'll still see each other as often.

So the group decided to spend as much time as possible together, of course Gold and Silver spending some time alone, with their pokemon or without, it didn't change how special it all was for the couple to be together, Silver knew he was going to miss Gold, he was going for miss him way too much.

As Silver packed his things, he glanced over at his partner pokemon, the feraligatr looking quite sad for having to leave now, it developed a strong bond with Gold's typhlosion and soon got friendly with Krystal's meganium, of course he was gonn miss his friends, and Silver was gonna miss them too...

If only the redhead could've stayed with Gold for longer, if only Giovanni hadn't passed away and make him leader, maybe that way he could've been with Gold for some more time. But now it was far too late, though he would always be thinking about Gold's advice, and finally put it into action.

Cold Metal, Warm Hearts (Preciousmetalshipping)Where stories live. Discover now