Chapter 8

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"Okay! I don't really give a shit anymore, we are all going to be dead soon, everyone just fucking blurt out who you love" Token announced.

My heart thudded in my chest. What. Fuck. As soon as Token shouted that out a loud chorus of yelling erupted from the bus.

"I love Cartman" Butters stuttered starting the shouting.

"I love Butters" Cartman shouted and Butters blushed.

"I love Wendy" Token shouted.

"I love Clyde" Bebe shouted.

"I love Annie" Kenny yelled.

"I love Kenny" Annie yelled back.

"I love Bebe" said Clyde.

"I love Tweek" Craig said.

"I love Craig" Tweek said.

The list went on and on and on. Until the bus quieted and everyone turned to face Kyle and I. We both didn't look at anyone, but simply looked down, not bothering with our surroundings.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something?" Craig edged on. Kyle and I stayed quiet, my mouth felt dry, I wanted to cry and I couldn't speak. I felt vulnerable. "Everyone else did it, so it you pussies" Cartman crossed his arms in front of his chest and narrowed his bushy eyebrows at us.

Kyle and I awkwardly stood there not looking at anything, Wendy looked at the both of us with pleading eyes. She was telling me, its okay, just do it. We had broken up in the 6th grade and never really got anywhere with our relationship but we never really did anything. Wendy got with Token and I have been single ever since.

Finally, I brushed the hair nervously out of my eyes and looked up, I took a deep breath, feeling a deep pounding in my stomach I forced out my dreaded set of words.

"I love..." I gulped, and arched my back higher, puffing out my chest I blurted it out "I love Kyle"

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