- Chapter fourteen.

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Letitia's POV.
13 hours before.

     "So you mean to tell me that you don't like grapes.. but you eat Raisin Bran ?" Cinnamon questioned as I nodded my head. We were having one of these random ass conversations while getting ready to go this carnival I've been wanting to check out. "I mean there not the same thing. Grapes and raisins are opposites." I tried to defend myself but Cinnamons loud laugh made it super hard. "You know raisins are grapes right?" I lifted my eyebrows then pulled my oversized sweatshirt down then picked up a pillow to toss at her. "This conversation is over." I smiled as she was having a laughing fit.

          When we finished getting ready, we left the house and went to the carnival. Call me a child but I was just so excited! You could tell by me dancing around in the passenger seat the whole time. Once we made it the bright amusement lights lit up my face. "Baby hurry let's go!" I screeched and got out the car as my pregnant wife smiled from ear to ear behind me. I grabbed her hand while we bought tickets and wandered around.

     "I bet I can win you one of those." Cinnamon pointed at one the large stuffed animals and I smacked my lips. "That would make my whole life." I said watching her trade in some tickets to play the game. I admired her from behind just thanking god for his most beautiful creation. All I've ever wanted was an old school love and with her? I found it. Her shooting the basketballs sent me back to one of our first dates which made me giggle out loud. The machine buzzed and she actually won as the man handed her the oversized panda bear.

        "That's my girl!" I dapped her up then pulled her in for a hug. "You owe me cotton candy." She laughed handing me the bear as I put my arm over her shoulder.

         After a while we left the carnival and went to our little spot. That same park that holds so much significance to both of us. We were walking hand and hand as a butterfly landed on my nose. I smiled feeling his spirit so heavy tonight. "I miss you too." I whispered as the butterfly flew away.

         "I find that so beautiful. Him always letting you know through butterflies... what would be your reminder to someone?" She asked as we sat in the grass. Honestly, I never really thought about it. "Hmm, probably a black cat. They signify strength and endurance..You?" I looked at her as her eyes were set on the beautiful moon. Like she was in deep thought. "A yellow rose in the most random place." She said just above a whisper. I smiled until I heard the sound of someone.. pissing?

     "Cinnamon, I understand you being pregnant but if you needed to pee y-" I gasped once I understood what was happening. Her water broke! Her eyes widened as I got up and helped her lift herself up from the ground as well. I thought I was ready for this but all of it just became hella real. I decided not to waste anymore time by just picking her up and carrying her to the car. "How are you feeling? Anything hurting?" I asked setting her in the passenger side as she shook her head no. Getting in the drivers seat, I drove to the hospital holding her hand the whole time.

      "This is it, my love." She said smiling softly.

         My wife laid in a hospital bed hooked up to monitors as I called Courtney and Danai to let the know what was happening. A couple of minutes passed and Journey walked in with some pudding  and a smile. "I'm finna be a titi!" She screeched as I shook my head. She's more excited for the baby then we are and she's expressed that since day one.

    "Cinnamon and Caliou, y'all are going to be the best parents." Journey said sweetly while a fake smile blasted my face. I swear , I'm gonna clear her ass one day soon but since my child is being born I'm gonna let it slide. We were all enjoying conversation until cinnamon gasped in pain. I quickly went to her and grabbed her hand. "Contractions baby?" I softly said as she shook her head no and That made my heart drop.

      "Baby s-something isn't right. Get the doctor!" She groaned in pain as she held her stomach while Journey ran to get a nurse. "Hey, look at me.. you're okay." Tears started to run down her face as she yelled in pain. Her heart monitor sped up as the nurses ran in to see what was happening. I'm scared shitless. It feels like I'm suffocating and I can't breathe because what the hell is happening? She was just fine! Journey placed her hand on my backside to pull me away from her but I wasn't having it. "I'm not leaving her side." I semi yelled as they began to get her ready to move somewhere.

         "She has to go to the emergency unit, her blood pressure is too high. You guys will need to wait in the waiting room." My eyes widened as I tried to stay strong and calm. "No I need to be with my wife!" I argued as Journey placed her hand on my shoulder. Fuck I didn't want to leave her side. While they were rolling her out, she mouthed I love you before they took her where they needed to go.

I paced back and forth for the next few hours. At the moment I absolutely dreaded staying still. I mean shit how could I when I don't know if my wife or my baby is okay or not. After a few moments Dr.Asia came running up to me as I looked at her with hope in my eyes. "She's about to push, only one of you can come with me." She said as I looked at Journey who nodded in agreement. Me and the doctor were off as I grabbed a mask on the way. We soon made it to the room Cinnamon was in and she looked... pale. I ran up to her and grabbed her hand. After pulling my mask down, I kissed her forehead and different parts of her face.

       "Alright mama, I'm gonna need you to push." One of the nurses urged as Cinnamon pushed. I whispered soft I love you's and motivated her in the best way I knew how. "Two more pushes you got this!" Dr.Asia alerted for her to push again and my wife did what needed to be done. She squeezed my hand tightly as her chest heaved up and down.

         "One more baby. We can do this." And with that, she pushed out our son. Our beautiful son. Cinnamon smiled weakly as my eyes filled with tears. Oh, he's here. We're finally parents. The babies cry filled the room and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. The doctor got him together and placed him in Cinnamons arms.

                "Oh my gosh. W-we did it baby." Cinnamon Whispered as she held him in her arms. She then gave him to me and holding him unlocked something inside of me. It unlocked the next chapter of our life. "Hi mamas baby." I cooed softly as tears fell from my eyes.

     "I want you to promise me something.." she lowly said as she placed her hand on my thigh. I looked at her and smiled. "You promise to take good care of him. Let him know that he has someone w-who loves him okay? Don't let him forget about me, you understand me?" She started as I furrowed my eyes. "And y-you Letitia? I love you so much. You'll find love again. Someone who loves you the same way I did. Thank you f-for making my dreams come tru-" her eyes began to close as her heart monitor slowed down. What?! What is happening?!

       "Baby wait wait wait no." A nurse came to me and grabbed my son softly taking him over to the little bed in the room. And then her heart monitor stopped.

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