Part Nine

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Severus scribbled down the last few words of his letter to Lily before heading over to Emma's house. He, Emma, and Wilhelm held hang out days scattered throughout the month, where they talk about everything that happened that week.

Emma's house was only a small ways away from his apartment, so it was quite easy to get there. He fed his turtle quickly before running out the door.

When he got there, Emma was sitting on her couch sipping wine with Daphne and Wilhelm. They all got quite excited when the saw him.

They talked for a few hours, Emma and Wilhelm talked about their jobs, Daphne talked about traveling across the world for a quidditch game, and Severus hadn't said anything.

Emma looked at him. "Severus, you're awfully quiet. Have you talked to James recently?"

Severus nodded. "I took him to a restaurant because he was annoyed by his roommate."

Emma and Daphne gave out a giggle and a loud, teasing 'ooh.'

"Has Severus got a boyfriend?" Daphne teased.

"Oh, shut it." Severus rolled his eyes.

"Oh! That wasn't a no!" Wilhelm yelled with a smile on his face.

"No! He's straight... I think, and he has an ex wife. Who—I should say—was literally my closest friend throughout school. Even if I was attracted to him—which I'm not—, I couldn't betray Lily's trust like that." Severus scoffed back.

"How do you know he's straight?" Emma asked.

Severus rolled his eyes. "Anyway." He sighed, "Daphne, do know where you're traveling for your next few games?"

Daphne smiled excitedly. She loved talking about her games. "Emma and I are going to Poland, first. And then I think we're going to America for one of her games, then Britain, I think."

Severus raised his eyebrows with interest. "Britain?"


"Cool! Lily is in Britain, I might have to go with you to see her and her kid."

Emma got excited at that. "Yeah! You should come. And then we can go to Norway to see Charity and Aurora and their kid!"

Daphne smiled.

"Do you know when you're heading to Britain?"

"Probably a month or so." Emma broke in, "but if you come, we wouldn't be able to pick you up from here."

"I could take him." Wilhelm said.

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