Part Ten

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Severus was playing ABBA in his shop as he organized the shelves. He heard the door open and immediately looked over, smiling at the sight of James.

"Hey!" He smiled. "How are you?"

James shrugged. "Fine. I haven't gotten any news about mum and dad yet. I think they're fine, though."

Severus nodded. "Good!"

A few minutes later, Severus picked up a letter out off of his desk and began to rip open the envelope.


You know how we were talking about traveling to Britain together so you could see Lils? Well, Daphne's travel expert finally gave in, AND she said she would give us the group discount if we had one more person. You know a lot of people, right? Wanna bring anyone? You could even bring James. Emma says it's fine.


Severus thought for a moment. "Hey, James?" He said. James looked up. "How would you feel about traveling to Britain in a month or two with me?"

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