96) Don' Fuckin' Say You're Fine!

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April Grace as Loutreesha Haddem


Tig was well and truly passed out on the couch. The journey had been painful in the back of the van, every bump in the road irritating his wound. Happy trailed the van on my bike as I drove back to Scoops, leaving his there for Rat. Venus met us at the ice cream shop and she was now sitting beside the man, stroking the curly black hair off his face.

Happy had scrounged together something to eat from out the back, that wasn't just dairy, and I'd left a bowl of chicken soup with Venus to give to him later. Hap and I sat upstairs in the chapel, my knees pressed against the table, a bowl of steaming soup in my lap. He'd already downed his entire plate and was not so subtly glancing over at mine. I cradled the bowl protectively. "No, you cannot have mine. I'm hungry."

He huffed, slouching in his chair. His hands quickly found something to fidget with, tugging at a thread in his battered jeans. "Is Tig gonna be okay?"

"Course he is," I smirked, swivelling around on my chair to face him. "He's got me looking after him."

Happy nodded, a small smile pulling at his chapped lips and his eyes flickered up to mine. On instinct, I looked away from those dark eyes that grew soft every time they fell on me. I knew I wasn't being fair, I had practically ignored him throughout the past few weeks. But there was something I could offer him. "Thank you," I finally said. "For the other day, when I lost it in front of everyone." I gripped the bowl tightly. "And all the times before that."

He shifted forwards, his scent wafting towards me. "You don't need to thank me for that, angel. I'm here for you, I've always been here for you."

This time, I had the decency to meet his gaze and I was shocked at what I found there. They were a well of emotions, such honesty and openness that came with his admission, but there was also lingering wariness and hurt and confusion. How could this man be so forthcoming with his feelings for me? He expressed them with far more emotion than he normally did, in the only way he could. After everything I'd done to him, especially since Jax got out and the months before.

"I can't give you what you want, Happy," My voice broke but no tears welled up.

He nodded slowly, his expression not changing but his eyes slowly emptied. There, I'd done it again. "But he can't give you what you want either."

Lowering my gaze, I watched the noodles and onion flakes swirl around the yellow liquid. "No one can."

From downstairs, I heard the bell ring, signalling someone had entered the shop. The thundering of footsteps came up the floor next and I turned towards the door, placing the bowl on the table. Jax came bursting into the room, a worried Chibs and Bobby coming in after, Rat and Quinn following behind. "What?" I asked, rising to my feet, watching Jax's wild eyes flicker about the room. "What happened?!"

Hap was still facing me, one arm on the back of his chair, the other on the table, but his eyes were on Jax. He looked like he could lunge out of his seat at any moment. When Jax didn't answer, his form pacing back and forwards behind his seat, Bobby faced me. "Eglee and Cane tailed us to the Timber trail. Gruen spotted them and shot Cane, then turned his guns on us. Thought we were goners there for a minute."

My eyes slipped shut. The distrust this would sow between the club and Gruen could potentially undo all our hard work. Jax braced his arms on the back of his chair, finally coming to a standstill. "I'll reach out to Tully tomorrow, try and explain all this."

Chibs raised a brow. "If Eglee called it in, we'll all be able ta talk ta 'im, face-ta-face."

"I'll call Lee," Hap said, already pulling out his phone. "Get him to send some guys down from Tacoma."

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