24) You Crazy Psycho Bitches!

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Jose Cablo Cantillo as Hector Salazar


The only light flooded in from the Chapel, the rest of the clubhouse in darkness as we walked in and everyone was gathered around the wooden table baring the Reaper. "What did Serg find?"

Juice stepped towards us with a photo. "Three days ago, Amtrak station in Rocklin. Timothy O'Dell and infant bought a one-way ticket to Vancouver.

I gasped, seeing Abel in the arms of that wretched man was a lot harder to actually see than just being a picture in your mind. Jax hugged me to him, letting out a deep breath and everyone gathered around. "Abel's fine," Dad nodded, rubbing his stepsons back. "We know he's up north. We're gonna find Cameron and we're going to bring your son home."

Jax kissed my head and carefully watched my broken features. "I think you should go up to Nate's, get away from everything for a bit, I'll keep you informed." He nodded, eyes glancing over my head. "Take Grace with you though, you aren't going alone."

"Where are we going?" She asked, agreeing without a second thought.

"Gem called me, asked me to come up," I explained.

"Okay," My best friend rose from her seat. "I'll grab a bag, don't know how long we'll be there for?"

I shook my head, glancing back to Jax and pressed my lips to his. "Thank you."

He nodded, hugging me before my dad embraced me. "You travel safe, tell Gem we're thinking of her."

"Will do." I nodded. Grace was standing in the doorway, all ready to go, a duffle over her shoulder. "Jeez, that was quick."

"I've always got a bag ready in case of emergencies." She shrugged.

"Of course you do." I shook my head turning to Jax. "I saw JJ off to bed but...tell him I'll only be gone a few days."

He nodded. "Promise you're coming back?"

I nodded, smiling up at him. "Always."


"There's no bone or muscle damage, you're going to be fine," I assured Tig. Gemma had roughly explained to me when I arrived how her father, who was diagnosed with Dementia, had mistaken Tig to be someone fucking his wife who was actually his carer, Amelia.

"Thanks, doc, sorry I pulled you away from Jax and your work." Tig smiled up at me and I shrugged.

"It's all good."

"How are you and Jax holding up?"

I looked into Tig's sincere gaze and sighed, it was just him and I. "You know we keep telling everyone we're fine but...he's gotten so violent, Tigger, not towards me, never." I assured as he turned to me with a serious expression. "He's just so desperate to find Abel. But even I'm struggling, I tried to take time off work but fucking Murphy wouldn't let me and Jax got upset when he found out. I feel like he blames me."

"No, no, honey, no," Tig took my hands in his once I'd done disinfecting the wound, shaking his head determinedly. "Jax loves you, no one on this earth could deny that. He wouldn't blame you for something you had no control over."

Nodding, I looked down at the carpet, stepping away from him and wiping tears off my cheeks as Gemma's calls got closer to the room. "Daddy?! Nate?!" She appeared in the doorway, Grace right behind her. "Have you seen Nate? He's not in his room."

"Not since this morning," I shook my head.

"He's gone and so is the hunting rifle."

"Oh shit," Tigger cursed. "I did hear a car about twenty minutes ago."

Angel Amongst the Reapers :||: Angel Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now