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Odette Annable as Cassandra Morrow


My long wavy brunette hair fell down the length of my back as I removed my helmet, placing it on the handlebars of my Dyna. Shaking the silky strands out, my eyes flickered around the lot and the large clubhouse I hadn't stepped foot in for nearly thirteen years, swinging my long legs over the bike so I was standing. An intimidating line of Harleys took up most of the parking space on the right as you drove in and the same faded yellow and red sign, reading 'Teller-Morrow', still hung above the entrance to the garage. I sent a friendly wave to the few mechanics who actually worked here just for their love of engines.

Taking in a deep breath to try and steady my nerves, I headed inside. The clubhouse was exactly how I'd remembered it, the dim lighting that cast corners into shadow, fully stocked bar on the right, a pool table on the left as well as a couple of couches scattered about the room, the big double oak doors to Church opposite the entrance. Photographs of every member, past and present of the Redwood Original Sons of Anarchy hung proudly on the wall between the Church doors and the kitchen.

A couple of croweaters, in the middle of a fierce round of pool, looked up at me curiously. A lanky kid stood behind the bar, setting a glass down in front of a woman on the other side, both of them halting their conversation to turn to me. At the sight of her, a broad smile spread across my face and she jumped out of her seat rushing for me with open arms, wrapping me up in her warm motherly embrace. No doubt, the fact that the fierce and icy Gemma Teller was hugging a stranger with as much enthusiasm, left the room in shocked silence.

When we finally pulled away, Gem cupped my face with tears in her eyes, frantically looking me up and down as if I might disappear any second. "Cassi, baby? Is it really you? Oh, it's so good to have you home." She gave me another squeeze, her hands running down the leather jacket that covered my olive skin. According to my father, my mother had been a Latina prostitute, who'd dumped me on him once I was born, then disappeared. Presumably, she was dead, even so, I had absolutely no desire to seek her out. "You are so beautiful, look at the amazing young woman you've become."

Smiling softly, I wiped the tears of her make-up clad face. "And so do you, Gemma, don't look a day over forty."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Though I always thought her rich dark brown hair with blonde streaks dyed through it was godawful, truth be told Gemma was a mighty fine looking woman, even in her fifties.

The boy opposite us cleared his throat. "Uh, I don't mean to interrupt, but who are you?"

"Oh, Sack, this is Cassandra M–"

"Cass," I smoothly cut her off, earning me a frown. "You can call me Cass. And who are you?"

Glancing over his vest, he was a prospect. "My name's Kip but people call me 'Half-Sack'."

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion but it didn't seem too hard to figure out. "I don't even wanna know."

Spinning on my heel, I walked towards the door that would spill memories and relationships from my old life before my feet. "Hey! You can't go in there, they're in the middle of church!"

Sending a glare over my shoulder, I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. "Learn to read the patches, Prospect."

The room was filled with men in leather kuttes, cigarette smoke hung in the air in a hazy sheen. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop as every single man in the room stared, stunned by my entrance. 'Half-Sack' came up behind me and harshly grabbed a hold of my elbow. "Sorry Clay, I'll get this bitch out of your way."

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