63) Daddy's Got It Handled

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Kurt Caceres as Renaldo


I was sat up in bed, reading some trashy magazine, in the hope that it would make me feel better. I'd taken a two-hour hot shower and scrubbed my skin raw to get the feeling of Pamela's blood off me. But it was still there. And I imagine it would be for a long time. I'd heard Jax's bike rumble into our driveway a few minutes ago and heard him walk into the house, down the hall, stripping off his kutte on the way.

"Hey," He said softly in the doorway, setting his leather on the rocking chair that was basically a second wardrobe in the corner. "How'd it go today?"

He asked this while simultaneously stripping off his clothes and I ignored the question, watching his muscles work, getting lost in the view of him. My beautiful, strong, gorgeous man. His eyes caught mine and he raised a brow. He expected an answer.

I swallowed. "Well, Otto reversed his RICO statement."

This caught his attention and he hurriedly stepped out of his jeans, walking round to his side of the bed and crawled in under the sheets. "You're kidding. How?" Seeing my blank face, his expression turned to concern. "What happened, Mia?"

"He killed a nurse, brutally. Now the Feds will have to throw out his testimony."

"In front of you?" His jaw dropped in outrage.

"He did it with me there begging on my knees for him to stop. He shoved a crucifix he gave Luann into her neck three times. He asked me to bring it to him, I had no idea that... he played me. Saved the MC but needed to hurt you."

"Oh shit," Tears lingered in both our eyes and Jax pulled me into him, tucking me into his side.

"They're going to find out I gave him that murder weapon, who I am and why I was there." I expected to be panicking but I was calm but not quite collected as tears rolled down my cheeks. "He made me an accessory to murder."

"Babe," Jax said with a strong reassuring voice, though the panic could be heard underneath all of that. "I'm not gonna let that happen. Okay? We're gonna get through this like we do everything else."

"You're not the law, Jackson." I pointed out gently, my eyes flicking up to his.

Tucking a finger under my chin he brought my face closer to his, his lips a hairs-breadth away from mine. "I would do anything to protect you, Mia, even if I have to become the law. I'm not going to damage you any more than I already have."

Pressing a soft kiss to my lips, he tucked me back into his side and I entwined my legs with his, clinging to his firm figure. His fingers stroked down my temple and my cheek, coming back up to run over the hair behind my ear. "I killed a man today." He whispered quietly.

I didn't even flinch or blink or bat an eyelid. That's fucked up, right? Instead, I raised an eyebrow at him. "Without me?"

He huffed a laugh before falling silent again. "It was one of the guys who killed Ope. Only, he happened to be a cousin of T.O."

"T.O.? President of the Grim Bastards?"

He nodded, watching me carefully. I sat bolt upright and glared down at him. "And let me guess, you gave him your word you wouldn't kill him to the Bastards and then you did?"

When he looked away silently I knew I'd guessed right. "Jesus Christ! No wonder you did it without me!"

Looking away from him, my anger instantly disappeared and I sighed, running a hand through my increasingly greasy hair. "I need to be there for you, with you. Like Bobby said we're a team, we're better together and quite frankly, when did we start working apart?" Jax nodded in agreement. "I can't take this job."

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