37) Man And Wife

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Roman De Ocampo as Deputy Sheriff Martinez


My dress had been stashed at Gemma's, along with Grace's and Lyla's. My wedding dress was a plain white fabric that clung to my curves and splayed out at my hips, with a dangerously low back, showing off the giant tattooed angel wings I'd got when I was sixteen. Ope and Jax had encouraged me to get it as I'd been called the Angel of Charming since I was a baby, due to the fact not long after I'd shown up the bloody war between the Mayans and Sons stopped.

I wasn't used to looking so dolled up and pretty, wearing dresses instead of leather but this is something I wanted, I wanted a real wedding to the man I loved. Lyla did us the honour of doing mine and Grace's hair and makeup, while also doing her own and she made us look excellent. The girl's dresses were pale blue fabric, that were simple and not a girly pink colour otherwise I'd never hear the end of it.

I sat staring at my reflection while the women buzzed around me, my brunette hair held together in a low bun with tendrils shaping the curve of my face. But something was wrong, something was eating at me. There was a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach and I noticed my fingers were tapping the bench before me, subconsciously presently my anxiety to the world. But this is normal right? Every bride feels nervous before their wedding...right?

"I need Jax."

The room froze, the women looking at me in surprise.

Gemma reacted first, spinning around to the others. "Well, what are you waiting for?! Call him!"

Grace jumped into action half-dressed, pulling the straps of her dress on while cradling her mobile to her ear with her shoulder. "Jax? Yeah, would you be able to drop around Gemma's? Cass is asking for you...yeah, I think she's alright?...okay...yep...see you soon."

Gemma came up behind me, stroking my arms clad in a fluffy bathrobe, my dress still in its bag hanging on the back of the door. "Everything okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah," I nodded, the movement clearing my head slightly. "Everything's fine, I just need to talk to Jax."

She nodded, a confused and curious look still on her face, wanting to know what was wrong but I had asked for Jax, not her. "The girls are all dressed and ready, Grace is getting Abel changed and they're practising the walk down the aisle, though he's nailing it and J's in the shower, I've laid out his suit on his bed."

"Where's Lyla and the kids?"

"She's in my room getting them ready, I hope you don't mind I'm just wearing my jeans and leather jacket?"

"That's fine, Gem," I laughed.

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful."

There was a knock at the door and Jax poked his head in, eyes wide with concern. Gem smiled at her son before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I rose from my seat before the vanity and turned to face him, a grin spreading across his face. "You look so beautiful."

"Really?" I gasped out, struggling to breathe. "I mean, this is not who we are... the dress... is this what you want? Is this what you pictured when you asked me to marry you?"

"Cass, Cass, shhhh," Jax comforted me, drawing me into him and gently placing a hand on the side of my face. "I want what you want, I want a real wedding, I want to see you in that sexy dress walking down the aisle and promising you'll be with me forever. I love you, Cass, this is a commitment to each other, not the club. This is our lives."

Angel Amongst the Reapers :||: Angel Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now