12) Georgie Caruso

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Theo Rossi as Juice Ortiz


Unser was right, the whole club was here including a hungover Bobby. "Hey, doc." They all chorused jumping up from their seats to greet me.

Jax kissed me quickly, Clay coming up beside him. "How are they?" Happy asked, pushing past the others.

Chibs and I made eye contact and I tapped the clipboard in my hands. "They're both fine, when they hit the barrier they both took a pretty good beating to the face, some swelling, a few bruises but nothing major. I'm going to have to run a few more tests but they're both going to be fine guys."

A collective sigh of relief went through the group and I smiled at my family. "Can I see her?" Dad asked and I shook my head sadly.

"It's going to be a while, I'm sorry."

Happy nodded and sat back down, Chibs running his fingers through his hair. "Well," Dad nodded. "I'm glad you're the one taking care of them, doc."

Unser walked up to us just as he closed his phone. "Guys, the FEDs just raided Luann's studio, asset seizure."

"Me and Ope will go deal with Otto." Jax glanced at his best friend.

"Ope goes with Tig," Clay disagreed intentionally, the tension setting in.

"I'll handle it on my own," Jax glared at his step-father before leaving.

Clay's gaze trailed after him, his eyes flickering to my own glare. "Watch it," I warned, turning back down the hallway to go take care of my girls.


Luann stormed through the doors of St. Thomas, a thin girl wearing scarcely anything trailing behind her as I signed release papers. "It's gonna be alright, I don't think it's broken."

Noticing the blood oozing out of the girl's nose I handed the paperwork back to the desk clerk and grabbed an ice pack from the fridge in the kitchen. "Here," I handed it to her.

Luann glanced at me. "Thanks, Cassie."

"What happened?"

"Georgie Caruso," The porn director tutted.

"Is he the guy that had your studio raided?"

"What do you think?"

Rolling my eyes, I stood up as Jax and the club walked through the door. Luann stood too. "I told you not to stir things up, look at what that asshole did to her!"

"Wait, you guys talked to him?" I glanced at their unscathed knuckles. "You lot don't have a scratch on you. You must have really put the fear of the Reaper into him."

"That's not all," The slightly dramatic producer exclaimed, looking to the girl. "Lyla, tell them what Georgie said."

"He told me to tell Luann that if the little biker boys show up again he's gonna roll the cameras while he jams his dick up all your asses."

I sighed, rolling my eyes and stripped off my doctor coat and stethoscope, revealing the tube top bearing the sons Reaper I had on underneath. A few people in the waiting room gasped but I ignored them, tossing my coat over the front desk. "That's why you never send boys to do a woman's job."

Jax sighed but followed me as I headed for the door. "Cass, where do you think you're going?! I want you to patch my girl up right now!"

I rounded on her, having enough of her ordering us about. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" She stepped back in surprise, raising her hands in surrender. "You may direct the porn biz but you do not tell us what to do, you understand me?! Get a nurse to patch her up and call the rest of your talent telling them to lock their goddamn doors!"

Angel Amongst the Reapers :||: Angel Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now