7) Junior

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Kate Upton as Grace Phelps


Ope and Tig were waiting for us at TM when we pulled up. "What the bloody hell happened?" Tig asked, helping me out of the van.

Behind us, Jax roared into the lot on his Harley, coming to a screeching halt at the end of the line of bikes, Jackson with him. "Jesus Christ!" I hissed, storming over to them, forgetting the panic of the boys behind me. "What are you doing here?!"

Jackson jumped off the bike, helmet still on and all, hugging me around the middle. "Mum, are you alright?"

Sending a glare at Jax, I stroked thumbs over my son's cheeks. "Yeah hon, I'm fine, always am and always will be." He tried to match my smile but it didn't reach his eyes. "Hey, Ope brought his kids over, how about you go say hi? You'll be starting school soon."

His wide, concerned eyes ran over me once more, checking for sure that I was okay before he walked into the building. "Jax!" I hissed, glaring at him once JJ had gone inside.

"Hey, I had to make sure you were okay and when he found out I couldn't begin to stop him from making sure you were alright." He cupped my face in his calloused hands. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I sighed, giving him a reassuring kiss. "I'm alright, dad had my back."

He nodded and glanced at the doorway our son had disappeared through. "He's a good kid, worries about you though. He should know what's going on."

"He's thirteen!"

"I know," He sighed, walking his bike in to park it. "Doesn't act like it though, which is kind of scary."

"Yeah, I know the feeling." It was hard to stay mad at this man for long. "You taken him to meet Abel yet?"

"Nah, I was going to do it when we went to discharge him from the hospital." A smile slipped onto his face at the mention of his second son. I took his hand in mine and pulled him towards the three men in heated conversation, sitting on one of the benches.

"Was this just a coincidence or was Laroy sending a message?" Laroy was the leader of the One-Niners street gang that had attacked us this afternoon.

"I don't know," Clay put his hands on his hips. "But they fucking put Cass in danger."

He and Tig shared a look while I scoffed. "Oh come on, I know what I signed up for when I joined the club. I will not live in a bubble because I'm Clay Morrow's daughter, now get over yourselves."

"This could mean we're at war with the Niners, the Mayans don't trust us and we have no customers," Jax added. "Broke with no guns."

The tense moment was broken by his phone ringing. "Shit it's Gemma. Hey, I'm on my way... yeah, I've got Jack... see you soon."

"You know," Ope spoke as Jax hung up. "That's going to get really confusing, we should just opt to call him Junior."

"Junior?" Tig winced at the idea.

"Oh leave Jack alone, I was on my own and pregnant, okay? What else was I going to call him?"

"Opie, obviously." My friend shrugged.

"We'd still be stuck with the 'Junior' idea, genius."


Walking into the dark clubhouse, the sound of children laughing found my ears and I discovered JJ, Ellie and Kenny messing around with the pool table. "Hey, kids,"

"Hey, Cass," The cheeky devils waved to me.

"Jack, your dad wants to take you somewhere."

He nodded, setting down his cue and waving goodbye to his new friends. "It was great to meet you guys."

Angel Amongst the Reapers :||: Angel Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now