32) The Daughter Of A King

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James Cosmo as Kellan Ashby


Maureen set up a nice lunch for everyone, while Trinity worked downstairs in the store. The room was quiet, the unspoken words between Maureen and Queen Gem, plus her dislike for Fiona, pressed down on the room. Kerrianne remained silent, as did I, her gaze flitting around the room, though occasionally it'd stop on me.

It was when we cleared the table the teenager broke the silence. "Why are you with my dad?"

There was a moment of stunned silence where everyone froze, including me. "Kerrianne!" Fiona scolded.

"Well, I mean," She shrugged. "He's a little more than ten years older than you, right? And you're a bit more than ten years older than me. Why not date Jax or something? He's your age. So I ask again, why are you with my dad?"

"This is about the age gap, for you?" My eyes narrowed, my surprisingly steady hands setting the plate in the sink. "Firstly, I'm really not interested in Jax, plus he's with my best friend. And secondly, I'm with your dad because he cares very strongly about the people he loves, like how he looks after you and your mum, you mean the world to him, he would never toss you aside or treat you like shit– I mean, crap." I threw Fiona an apologetic glance but she just smirked. "He puts the people he loves first, and I love him for it, because I'm one of those people and no one besides my brother has ever done that for me."

She looked down at her lap awkwardly, while the three older women smiled. "How come you don't have his crow then?" This raised a few eyebrows. "Isn't that what old ladies of the club get? A crow tattoo with their mans name on it?"

I nodded, trying a small smile. "I don't have a crow because I'm a lawyer, a professional one separate from the club and I don't have any record or affiliations with the Sons of Anarchy. I wear a lutte but I will never be an officer or a shot caller."

The teenager nodded, looking away bored once again, twirling one of the many strands of curls on top of her head. "Can I go down to the shop, hang with Trinity?"

"No, you have to stay up here."

"Why?!" She fought her ma. "Afraid someone's going to shoot me?"

"Don't you brash me,"

"Besides, if you go down to the shop, Triny'll have you stocking shelves." Maureen tried to diffuse the situation, a small smile playing at her lips. "Come on, let's go set you up with some movies."

That left the three of us in the kitchen washing up. "God, I remember that age," Gem chuckled. "I had two of them."

"And they were screwing each other," I pointed out, drying up the plate Fiona had just handed me.

"Yeah," Gem cringed. "I remember the first couple of weeks they were together, it felt so odd to me, they were both my children, but..."

"They're not brother and sister," Fiona nodded. "The story of Cassandra Morrow and that boy has rippled through the charters across the States, here too, it sounds like they're meant for each other."

"They are." Gem and I agreed, finishing up with the last couple of plates.

"Clay Morrow's only child who was dumped on his doorstep by a mother who didn't want her, the first female Reaper, went off at age seventeen to raise a baby and years later came back, fell in love with the mother charter's V.P. again and became a mother again." Gemma and I glanced at each other at that, quickly looking away as Fiona paused her washing. "I've only met her twice but she seems like an amazing woman."

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