35) To Lyla And Cassandra

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Timothy V. Murphy as Galen O'Shay


I woke up the next morning, resting on Jax's arm, which was wrapped around me. He had Abel lying on his chest, still fast asleep, his little hands curled into fists against his father's chest. Jackson Teller had his eyes on me, his fingers running through my hair, careful and gentle, not wanting to hurt me. "Morning," His voice was husky, making me smile. "I love you."

"I love you," I immediately repeated, slowly leaning up to press my lips to his. "And don't you ever forget that."

His face brightened up with that glorious smile of his and he glanced down at the small bump between us. "I love you too, son."

"You don't know that." I defended. "What happens if it's a girl?"

"I'll love her too." He laughed, rubbing his nose against mine. "What are we going to do about this other business?"

"I'd like to do it myself if that's okay?" He nodded. "And I think I'll do it when you're on the inside, that way Clay is also out of the way for the time being. I have a funny feeling Alvarez knows."

Jax nodded. "And the outcome?"

"He's got to die."

My fiance nodded in understanding, pressing a kiss to my lips. "Then I will help you do that when the time comes."

"Jax," I pulled away from him. "Whatever happens today, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."

"I know."

Abel stirred, giving a muffled noise, causing both of us to laugh and Jax sat up cradling his son. I rose, throwing on a pair of black denim jeans with ripped knees and a cropped tee with flames dancing across my boobs.

We rode over to TM where Gem was putting on a breakfast for everybody. There was a loud cheer as we walked in, Abel sitting on my hip, everyone coming over to give me a hug and kiss little Abel until he was beet red. Everyone was there, members from charters nearby, Unser, Chucky, the girls, Lyla and her kids.

Jax and I sat with our sons, Clay standing behind me with a hand on my shoulder, laughing heartily with Tig. Gem stood opposite us, in the doorway of the club kitchen observing. This is what made her happy, seeing her family all together, happy and laughing. It was something she hadn't seen in a long time.

There was an overload of food, the prospects running around making sure everyone was fed before they were. Through all the haywire, Grace somehow found me and hugged me close to her, kissing my cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, hon."

"Would you look at him," Her eyes moved to Abel. "He doesn't even know what he's put everyone through."

My eyes slid from her to watch my son, with his jerky arms flailing about and those bright blue eyes flitting about, seated on his father's knee. J was over by the pool table, Kenny by his side while the two of them kicked Happy's butt at a game. I hadn't even realised a smile had made its way onto my face until I beamed at Grace. "Yeah, they are."

Clay leant in over my shoulder, smiling down at his grandson. "I got something for you, it may be a wee bit small by now." He pulled out the blue beanie we'd found on the dock a few months ago and he carefully placed it on his head.

Gemma laughed, clapping, causing the rest of the room to celebrate. Clay squeezed both mine and Jax's shoulders, "I'm so happy for the two of you."

Jax grinned over at me, masking the look we were about to share and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, drawing me into him and our lips met. While the room was still busy clapping, I rose, stepping up on my chair with help from Grace. "Alright, listen up you lot, I've got something to say," All eyes were on me, including Grace's very confused expression. "We're finally getting married!"

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