47) Everything Scares Me Now

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Ft. Another photo of Charlie Hunnam because who doesn't want one of those?


Margaret placed the film against the board and flicked the light on, illuminating the picture of my hand. "Shit," I cursed. "Three broken metacarpals. And the median nerve?"

"Yes, there's damage from the trauma," Dr Balian nodded, standing next to my mother. "We need to get in there right away."

"I'll schedule it." Margaret nodded.

Dr Balain, someone I had limited experience with looked me in the eye. "We're going to do everything that we can, Dr Teller."

I caught a hint of respect and slight unnerve. He was scared of me? "I know," I reassured him. "Thank you."

Once he'd left the room, Margaret moved closer and stroked my head. "Would you like me to call Marcus?"

I shook my head, deflating back onto the awfully uncomfortable pillows. "No, Jax will tell him, he may even be with him right now."

"You'll be alright, Mia, Dr Balain is an excellent surgeon."

"I know how good Dr Balain is and how scared of upsetting the club he is."

Margaret pursed her lips together. "I'll get the surgery lined up."

I let out a laugh and she frowned at me. "It's weird to think I operate on people every day but I myself, have never been under the knife."


"Everything scares me now."


Jax was there when I woke up. He leaned against the bed, his arm wrapped around the top of my head as he stroked my neck. A huge white cast covered my right hand, completed with pins sticking out in all directions, set up on a pillow over my torso. Dr Balain was standing by the door, tapping his fingers nervously as he watched Jax.

"How bad?" I croaked, the anesthesia still wearing off.

"The bones set easily, no issue there." He paused.

"The nerves?"

"The damage... was severe."

I let out a sob and Jax stepped back to run his hands through his hair, pulling at it as he went. "Oh god."

He shook his head, turning a glare onto Balain. "Is it permanent?"

"We don't know yet."

"Is there nothing you can do?!"

Balain swallowed. "We're going to do more surgeries, consult with Lane and Delafield out of Cedars."

I nodded, feeling the tears running down my temples into my hair. "They're good, Jax. Best hand surgeons in the country. Thanks Dr Balain, I'd like a moment with my husband."

He nodded politely and promptly left. Jax looked down at me in concern. "What do you think your odds are?"

"It's a 9/10 chance I'll never have full function of my hand." My breathing was stuttered as I tried to control the tears, which Jax's calloused fingers wiped away. "Which means I won't even be allowed to do general surgeries, let alone specialise in neonatal."

His face broke and tears of his own pooled in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mia, I'm so sorry."

Taking a few more deep breaths, I reeled in my mind and tried thinking about other things. "Why aren't you with the club? Do we know who did it?"

Angel Amongst the Reapers :||: Angel Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now