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"Oh yeah. Shake that ass, baby."

"You like that?"

"I fucking love it."

Zayn was mesmerized by the blue eyed stripper dancing around the pole under the purple and blue lights. When he dipped down, Zayn tucked a five dollar bill in the strap of his thong.

"What's your name?" Zayn asked.




"You have a nice ass, Lollipop."

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome."

"Hey, cool it. He's mine."

Zayn looked at his friend, Liam.


"Yep. Mine."

"How is he yours?"

"Because I know him outside of this place. We met last week."

Zayn looked up at Lollipop.

"Is this true, Lollipop?"

He chuckled and looked at Liam.

"Are we still on for tomorrow night?"

"Yeah. I'll pick you up at your place."


Zayn looked at Liam.

"Okay, well on that note, that is the last of the money I'll be giving out tonight."

When he stood up, so did Liam.

"Headed home?"

"Yeah. But first I'm going to get a plate from my parents."

Liam scoffed as he tossed a tip on the table for the server and headed for the door.

"The fact that you're still getting a dinner plate from your mommy at twenty seven years old is really sad."

"Fuck you man. She's a good cook."

"Yeah. And you could be too if you just got your ass in the kitchen and did it. I bet your stove has cobwebs on it."

"Haha. You think you're so funny, don't you?"

"I wasn't going for jokes. I was going for truth. You have a good job and you are capable of taking care of yourself despite that you rarely do. Maybe if you had more responsibility than just yourself, you'd do more. Go get married, have kids. I don't know. Do something."

Zayn sighed.

"One day. But I haven't found anyone I really care to go further with yet, so..."

They came out of the doors of the club.

"That's your problem. A guy like you doesn't find them because you only look in the wrong places."

"Then how do you expect me to do any of that shit you just suggested?"

"Because even though you don't find them, that doesn't mean they don't find you. Because they do."

"Oh, I see. So is that how you hooked up with the stripper?"

"He's not just a stripper. He has a name. Thank you very much.

"What? Lollipop?"

"No. Louis. And I know what you're about to ask but the answer in no. We have not slept together."

"That's a shocker."

"Why is that? Just because he's a stripper, that doesn't make him easy."

"Didn't say it did but I mean, come on, the man has an incredible sex appeal. The way he dances..."

The Pedestrian » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now