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The next morning, Zayn woke up in his bed to the sunlight shining brightly in his eyes.

"What the hell?" He mumbled and he squinted in the direction of the window.

"I could have sworn I closed those curtains last night."

"You did. I opened them this morning."

When Zayn heard the voice, he jumped back so far that he actually fell out of the bed and onto the floor. He knew he didn't bring anyone home yesterday so he quickly turned to see where the voice was coming from. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar brunette haired man lying on the usually empty side of the bed and propping himself up by his elbow.

"You... I knew you were following me!" Zayn said frantically.

"What are you talking about? Come get back in bed, babe."

"No! You stay away from me, Harry."

He quickly stood up to his feet and realized he had no clothes on. But Zayn usually slept in pajamas. So he quickly found his pajama bottoms and slipped them on.

"Why do you want me to stay away, Z? What's wrong?"

Harry stood up out of the bed and that's when Zayn saw he was fully naked too.

"What the fuck?! Why are you naked? Did you assault me last night?"

"Why would you say something like that? You know why I'm naked. Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Are you crazy? You're in my home when you're not supposed to be, you're in my bed and you're naked! No I am not okay. You need to get out! NOW!"

"Okay. This isn't funny anymore, babe."

"Stop calling me that. I'm not your babe."

"Are you sure? Because I have something that says otherwise."

"Like what?"

He reached over to his nightstand and picked up a gold ring. Zayn took a step back.

"Uh, no. You are insane. You're a stalker."

"Zayn. Stop it. I don't find this shit funny at all. I'm your husband and I need you to act like it right now. You're scaring me."

"Oh, I'm scaring you?"

Zayn laughed mockingly.

"You're literally crazy and you need to put on your clothes and get the hell out of my house."


"No! Now! I'm going to grab my phone and call the police. If you're not gone when they get here, you'll be arrested on sight."

"Go ahead, call them. Do it right now. They're going to laugh when they see that we're married."

"Stop saying that. We are not married. Just because you put a ring on your finger, that doesn't make us married."

"But a marriage certificate does. And if you turn around, you will see your own ring that I gave you. But you already know that. So just calm down, and relax. Tell me why you're so agitated. Was it a bad dream?"

But Zayn did not say anything. Instead, he slipped his feet in his house shoes and scurried out of his apartment. As soon as he was outside, he dialed the emergency number.

Someone answered immediately.

"What is your emergency?" The female operator asked.

"Hello? Yes. My name is Zayn Malik. I need the police at my apartment right away. I woke up this morning and there was a strange man naked in my bed. I think he followed me here yesterday and he might have sexually assaulted me."

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