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Zayn's eyes slowly flickered open. He was facing the ceiling. The sound of an event monitor could be heard and he made a groaning noise. A gasp could be heard to his right.

"Zayn, oh my gosh."

It was the voice of his mother. He slowly turned his head and saw her quickly standing up and coming over to him. A sharp pain went through his left side. That's when he realized his arm was in a cast and it hurt to move his left leg. On top of that, he was hooked to all sorts of tubes and intravenous machines.

"Don't try to move, Zayn." His mother said.


"Don't be afraid, baby. You're in the hospital but I'm here. I just I need to go get the doctor and tell him you're awake. I'll be right back."

She peeked out of the room and basically yelled into the hallway.

"Doctor, come quickly! He's finally awake!"

Seconds later, a man walked into the room. He clicked a pen and put it in his lab coat pocket.

"Hello, Mr. Malik. I'm Doctor newman. I'm glad to see you are finally awake."

"What happened?" Zayn groaned out.

"You're at the hospital in the trauma center. But you're in good hands. You've been here for five days."

"F-Five days?"

"Yes. You were in a medically induced coma. Do you remember what happened to you?"

Doctor Newman was very patient with Zayn until he figured out how to get out his words.

"I... was walking... from work."

"Mhm, you were. You were walking downtown and you were struck by a car. Do you remember that?"

"Not really."

"That's alright. It's common not to remember. What you're suffering from is called retrograde amnesia. It's when you lose memories of what happened the moments leading up to your accident. You may or may not gain these memories back. In most cases people do not but in other cases people do. Whether you do or don't, right now we want to focus on your recovery."

"Recovery? Am I going to be okay?"

"I believe so. You're one of the very few I have seen come through here after being struck by a vehicle and live. You're lucky."

"Doesn't feel lucky. Just painful."

"Yeah, I understand."

"Am I paralyzed?"

"No. You are not paralyzed. How do you feel right now though?"

"Tired. In pain."

"Drowsiness is to be expected. We've been administering pain medicine intravenously and that's likely causing it. But you did mention still feeling pain. If you need something more, let us know and we'll see what we can do about getting you a stronger medication."

"Yeah, my ribs are killing me."

"Okay, we'll get on that momentarily."

"What's my injuries?"

"Well, let's see..."

He took Zayn's chart from the cubby on the wall and referred to it.

"Okay, here we go. When you were struck by the car, you broke three ribs. Two of them punctured your right lung and you bled internally. I was able to repair your lung and stabilize your ribs with titanium plates and screws. But it's going to take you at least three months to completely heal. So you won't be able to do any strenuous activity. But I doubt that would be hard considering the state your limbs are in right now.

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