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Zayn really did not have a choice. As much as he wanted to say no and as much as he wanted to stay home, he just really did not have a choice. And that was not an exaggeration either.

For starters, every day that he'd awaken, Harry and the boys were there. There were no more quiet mornings alone. Just noisy kids being ushered out of the door so they could get to kindergarten on time. Apparently Zayn was responsible for getting their lunches together. But what was strange is that he somehow magically knew exactly how to pack their lunch boxes. Despite the sudden change in his morning routine on weekdays, he didn't even complain. He knew there were much more strange things happening to bother fussing about something so simple as PB&J and fruit cups.

As far as changes went, it had only been three days and hethough not fun of waking up to light in his eyes, that was not nearly as bad as having to kiss Harry before he left for work every morning. It was a chore to pretend not to love someone. But this was his place of living and they all clearly lived here too. To deny that again would only make him look crazier than before. So the only way to do it properly was to completely forget that he didn't love him at all.

Unfortunately as much as he tried, it was hard to do that when all he could think about was their weekend plans. Harry told him he wanted the entire trip to be nice. But all Zayn could focus on was the sex he said he wanted to have.

So when the boys were all dropped off and he and Harry were on their way to a nice little vacation spot further south that Harry booked for them, Zayn kept things very quiet. Finally after some time, Harry spoke.



"It's been two hours and we'll be there in about thirty minutes. You haven't said a single word on the way."

"I know that."


"'Cause I didn't want to say anything."

"Oh. Are you excited about our vacation then?"

"I'm guessing you definitely are."

He smiled.

"No. I'm more than excited. We really needed this. Between all the stress about the house and everything. You and I deserve a break."

"The house?"

"Yeah. Wondering if everything is going to go through or not. Then there's the inspections and shit we have to get. It's a lot to think about."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."


"House? We bought a house?"

Harry laughed.

"I know right. Still hard to believe. Monday morning we go look at a house and that evening our offer is accepted? We're really gonna be home owners babe."

Zayn's insides suddenly felt like they went sour. If they put in an offer for a house on Monday and had it accepted, that meant the day he skipped was the day when it happened. Was it a coincidence that it would be that day of all days he would fast forward past? Almost as if he was kept from sabotaging it by some invisible force. He wasn't just lving his life. Some part of it was being controlled as well. And whatever was controlling it was making him a married man, a father and now a future home owner.

He sat back against the seat and looked ahead angrily. He didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride.

Around thirty minutes later after they'd picked up the key, they pulled up into the driveway of a huge house. And it was the first time that Zayn had actually seemed interested in anything.

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