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I'm back! I've finished writing this story by hand but it has to be typed and transferred to wattpad so I'll be doing that over time and publishing the chapters as I go. Not all chapters will be long. Sorry. Many will be short-ish, some long. But expect 18 chapters total for this story. Happy reading.


Zayn woke up to the sound of his alarm clock the next morning. He knew it was time to get up and get ready for work but first he needed to pack the boys' lunch for daycare. So he rose up out of bed and stretched.

Since he didn't like the curstains opened when he was still waking up in the morning, he didn't care that Harry didn't open them this time. Instead, he slipped on his house shoes and tiptoed through the dark. When he reached Harrison's room, he pushed the cracked door all the way open and went inside.

His intention was to wake him up so he could start getting ready for daycare. But to his surprise, Harrison wasn't there. Neither were any of his belongings. Up to this point, Zayn had been half asleep. But not anymore. Now he was wide awake. Are we

"What the hell? Harrison?!"

He scrambled out of the room and ran to Hamilton's room. But he only found more of the same. No Hamilton and nothing that belonged to him.

Of course Zayn was fully panicking now and he raced to the bedroom.

"Harry, the boys are gone!"

He turned on the light in the bedroom so he could see his reaction. But just like the boys, Harry was also gone.

"What?!" Zayn shouted.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Remembering this had happened before, he raced to the living room for the wall of photos. He knew that could tell him what was happening. When he reached the wall and saw that it was empty he knew the reason he couldn't find them was because they didn't exist.

Feeling confused, he walked back to his bedroom and sat down at the foot of his bed. Suddenly he just felt empty. He originally woke up with a purpose. Now that purpose was gone just like his husband and children and he didn't know where they went. Would they return again like last time or was this just it?

Well Zayn couldn't just sit around all day and wait for that crucial information. He still had a job to go to. He was a construction worker with a responsibility of taking care of himself. And whether Harry, Hamilton and Harrison were there or not, that wasn't going to change. So he gradually put the three of them out of his mind, got himself dressed and headed off to work.

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Zayn was not the kind of construction worker who built homes. He was a road construction worker. When there were new roads needed, he was there. When existing roads needed to be improved, he was there. When pipes and cables needed to be laid, he was there. He was essential to the city and he loved his job. But something strange was occurring with his current project.

His company had started a new work site downtown over the last few weeks. They were in the process of laying pipes in front of an ice cream shop. Zayn rmembered not only working today on this project, but for the last few weeks, five days a week. Yet somehow, things seemed to be at a stand still. The project still had the same amount of progress it had near the end of October. Almost like he and his crew were working but they weren't really getting anything done.

By now they most definitely should have been further along. So why was everyone else around him carrying on as if this was normal?

"Are you okay, bro?" Zayn heard.

The Pedestrian » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now