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Zayn was only twenty five years old. He was what most would consider entering the prime of his life. It was the best time to be settling and having children, to be married.

Well here he was, already all those things. Settled, married, and a father. Originally, he hadn't planned on coming into the prime of his life as such. He was happy being the single guy with frequent strip club visits. But he couldn't lie. What happened to him wasn't such a bad thing after all. Something very good came out of it. And he hadn't fully realized that until Thanksgiving night.

They'd shared a really intimate night lying next to each other. And it was during that time that Zayn discovered, just how different his viewpoint of Harry was. It wasn't simply just two people being forced to stay together in the same home anymore. He was comfortable being married to him and he was comfortable being intimate with him. He was no longer self conscious around him.

Harry had seen him naked and put various parts of himself on various body parts of Zayn. And Zayn did the same to Harry in return. Since things and gone so far, it didn't matter anymore.

As for his children, they had begun to have a very large part of his heart. He cared for them so much and he felt like he'd been knowing them as long as Harry told him he had. All he wanted to do was protect them. Because they were his. His and Harry's.

Which is why he felt slightly jealous when he learned the birthday party the boys were going to turned into a birthday sleepover. Even worse, he had to endure the fact that they were in a hurry to leave him and Harry behind. And he couldn't really hide it. So he found himself on the couch drinking shots of tequila with Harry just to stop thinking about it. Or at least he tried to.

They we're both four shots in already after having toasted to the most mundane things. Zayn couldn't help but bring up the topic again.

"It's probably pathetic to get this drunk because I'm jealous but I've never been here before." Zayn said through slurred speech.

Harry poured more tequila into their shot glasses.

"I mean it is, kind of. Cause what are you going to do when the boys start school next year? They have to go. But on the other hand I do get you. That's why I'm not letting you drink alone."

"I would like to not be so pathetic but I feel like I'm just really starting to get to know them on a real basis. Maybe it's just that the holidays are here and I feel more sentimental than usual. But I want to be the only one spending time with them."

"The only one? What about me?"

"Sure, I guess you're invited."

Harry giggled.

"What should we toast to this time?"

Zayn looked at his glass.

"How about the fact that... we're only like twenty feet away from our bed and don't have to drive home tonight."

Harry wiggled his brows and put a hand on Zayn's thigh near his crotch.

"Is that a hint?"

Zayn knocked back the shot and so did Harry.

"About what?"

"About me and you having drunk sex."


"Say the word and I can be naked right now."


"Why not? Didn't you say last time you wanted to show me how it's done? This is the perfect opportunity. Get drunk, fuck, cuddle. I could get behind that."

Zayn saddened. It may not have been a bad idea to go ahead and give Harry what he wanted if he hadn't found out what happened after intimate nights together.

"We probably shouldn't be having sex."

"Why not?"

"Because you'll disappear in two days and I won't let that happen."

He reached over so he could pull at Harry. But he ended up falling on him instead.

Harry pet Zayn's hair as if he was a dog.

"Gosh you're so drunk."

Zayn laughed.

"I am. But you are too."

"True but you're the one saying stupid shit. I'm not going to disappear."

"Yes you will. You always do. Every time we have sex or do something sexual. I know. I calculated it."

"Alright, is this your way of saying you don't want to?" Harry asked and he took Zayn's chin in his hand so he could make him look at him.

"Yes. No. I mean I do want to but that means you'll be gone."

He pouted adorably.

"And you don't want me gone?"

"No. I like you."

"What if I could promise I'll still be here afterwards."

Zayn lit up with excitement although it was masked with his drunkiness.

"Could you really?"


"Say it then. Say that you'll be here two days from here. Promise it."

"I promise."

"Double promise it."

"Okay. I double promise it."

"Triple promise it."


"What? I just don't want you to go."

"I'm not going anywhere. Come here."

Harry pulled Zayn upwards into a kiss. It was very sloppy and uncoordinated but still satisfying enough for a couple of drunk people.

After a while, Zayn pulled back.

"I do wanna fuck you." He said.




They attempted to stand up but it was difficult. So they fell to the ground in slow motion. After laughing together, they crawled to their bedroom and into their bed. After much fumbling and bumbling around together for about ten minutes or so, they finally managed to get each other fully undressed.

Despite being in a haze, Zayn knew whose body he was looking at. It was the man he married long ago and didn't know he married. It was his husband's.

He reached towards him and put his hand on his chest to feel over it. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss it. So he kissed his way up to his neck and tried to leave a hickie there. Unfortunately he was too impaired to do it the way he wanted to. So he rolled over on his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I am going to fuck you. But not like this."

"Why not?"

"Because I want to remember it."

"Oh... okay."

But that declaration didn't mean Zayn didn't still want to pleasure Harry. He reached over and wrapped Harry's dick in his palm. When he started to work him quietly, Harry moaned loudly and turned his head to face him. They both looked lazily into each other's eyes but somehow Zayn could still tell there was so much love in Harry's. And for a moment, he actually felt like he could match it. But he was also sure that was just the tequila influencing his feelings. He couldn't love this man. No way.

By the time Harry came, Zayn's eyes were closed. So he missed when it happened. But Harry was quite satisfied with the results.

"Mmm, you're the best husband in the world."

"Because I made you cum?"

"Yep. And now I am going to do the same to you."

They kissed each other for a bit, and finally Harry reached over and began to jerk him off. Again they looked into each other's eyes, and again, Zayn saw love in Harry's.

This time he wasn't so sure that he wasn't seeing a reflection of his own.

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