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What about this little truck set? Don't little boys like stuff like this? Doesn't Harrison like it?" Zayn asked.

It was the weekend and he and Harry we're starting their Christmas shopping for the twins. They had less than a month to get everything. So they sent the boys to one of their neighbors who lived in their apartment building. She had two children of her own who were close to Harrison and Hamilton's age and she was more than happy to watch them.

"I mean, yeah, he does. We can definitely buy it."

Zayn caught the way Harry said that though. He didn't sound convinced.

"You sound like you don't like the truck."

"No, I do like it. It's cool. It's got all these cool little accessories. We should get it."

"Then why do you sound hesitant?"

"Because I feel like we're just buying toys."

"That's what kids like, right? I mean... they're four..."

"I know. But I was also thinking we could expand it a bit. Get them something cooler."

"Okay. Like what?"

"Um... Nintendo switch?"

"What the hell, Harry? I said they were four. Not fourteen."

Harry chuckled and took the truck from Zayn. Then he put it over in the basket.

"Yeah and it's a new age. Kids are growing up with technology. I think it'd be a cool gift."

"Much cooler than the truck their Pop picked out?"

"It's not a competition."

Zayn twisted his mouth sideways.

"Do you honestly think two four year olds will appreciate such an expensive gift like that? It's a lot of money."

"I know but we will be the ones monitoring it. Plus I'll buy a case and they'll have to keep it in the living room at all times."

"Sounds like you've pondered over this a long time already. You've got it all figured out."

"I do. I think it's a really good idea. And it won't just be for fun either. Nintendo switch also has educational games, puzzle games and other stuff for kids. It's a good way to have them get the head start they need before they begin school next year. When he wiggled his eyebrows, Zayn looked away.

He didn't know much about Nintendo Switch. So he didn't know they had educational games. That would be a major pro in the pros and cons of spending five hundred dollars on a console and the accompanying games.

"Can we afford this?"

"Yes. I made sure we could when I first started considering this."

"What about the house? We still have to pay the down payment at closing if the bank goes through."

"Did I not tell you I already have that under control? These funds have been set aside and are untouched. Remember, I am a banker, baby. I know how to manage funds. Okay?"

"Okay. But why don't I get a feeling this Nintendo switch will be for you as much as it will be for the kids?"


"I knew it. This is your Christmas gift as much as it is theirs."

"So that's a yes?"

"Not yet. After we pay for this stuff, we can go to the game store a few shops down and check it out. Better hope you can convince me."

The Pedestrian » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now