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Zayn was sitting in club Sahara and watching Lolipop dance. But not for pleasure this time. He was watching him because he and Liam were having a conversation about him.

"So your date went great then."

"Yes. It did. I learned a lot about him."

"Things you like?"

"Of course." Liam said surely.

"Many things I like. He might be a keeper."

"That's nice. I'm happy for you. Hopefully it works out."

"Thanks. But what about you? I'm actually suprised to see you here."

"Why?" Zayn asked. Why would Liam be surprised when they went to strip clubs together often?

"You know Harry hates it when you're here. Remember last time he found out you came here to watch other men shake their ass for you? It was not pretty." He shivered for effect.

That name made Zayn stop dead in his tracks.

"Wait, what? Did you say Harry?"

"Why do you sound so shocked?"

Instead of saying anything else, Zayn got up from his chair and raced out of the building without another word. After getting in his car, he drove home as fast as he could. As soon as he unlocked his front door, he burst it wide open.

Immediately, he saw his apartment bursting with life as Hamilton and Harrison were running through the house in costumes. Hamilton was dressed up like einstein and Harrison was dressed up like a construction worker. What in the world was going on?

"Finally you're home." He heard someone say.

By now, the voice was recognizable as Harry's. So he turned to see him in a black suit, black shoes, white shirt and sunglasses like one of the Men in Black characters.

"What?" Zayn asked with a confused expression.

"You're home a little later than usual. How was work?"

"Work? I don't work on Sunday."

"Good thing today isn't Sunday then."

"Uh... yes it is. And I didn't go to work today. I just came from Club Sahara."

Harry stared at him for a while. Then finally he laughed out loud.

"Good one. If it hadn't been for me knowing you so well, I'd have actually fallen for that."

"But I'm not joking."

"First of all, Zayn. You haven't been there in a long time. And secondly even when you did go, you hated going in your work uniform. And since you're wearing it now, I know you weren't there. Sorry. Babe. Maybe next time."

At that, Zayn looked down to see what he was wearing. Sure enough he was wearing his construction clothes, including the hard hat and highlighted  vest. How though? He clearly remembered putting on casual clothes when he left the house for the club.

"Why are Hamilton and Harrison dressed up? Is something happening today?"

Harry looked upset.

"There's no way you forgot what today is. They've only been talking about it for the last two weeks."

"Is it their birthday?"

"That's not funny."

That's when Zayn remembered he already learned they were born in the summer. So if it wasn't their birthday and it wasn't Sunday, what day was today?

The Pedestrian » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now