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"Let's see... from the beginning. Hmm." Harry said.

"Well, you already know we met in high school. You had your thing, I had mine. You could sing and I was the jokester."

"The class clown, you mean."


"Did you hate me when we were in school?"

"What? No. I didn't hate you."

"Then why were we always at odds with each other?"

"Because it was fun. We cared about that popularity stuff when we were younger. But when we met up in life again after that, we just didn't anymore."

"Tell me what you remember about that meeting."

He chuckled to himself.

"It was at the strip club as you already know. We both were there with our own friend groups. When we saw each other, we started talking about high school and how we were always at odds. We both agreed it was stupid and so childish. I wanted to make up for it by buying you a drink. So I did and you let me."

He laughed now.

"And I ordered you that fruity red cocktail, remember?"

He laughed and Zayn forced out a fake chuckle.

"You were so mad at me. But you still drank it all. It was that right there that told me you must not have disliked me as much as I felt you did when we were in school."

"Guess not." Zayn said thoughtfully. Mostly because it sounded so much like what his father told him earlier."

"But more than that, it was solidified when you bought me a drink in return. We totally ditched our friends for a more private conversation at the bar. And it was nice. I wasn't even expecting you to ask to see me again before we parted."

Zayn raised his brow. So he was the one that started their relationship? If this was really real, what the hell was he thinking?

"And our first date. Your honest thoughts?"

"Honest? Well, if I had known you'd be bringing me back to the strip club I would have said no. That was a terrible first date. But I only went with it because you said you'd pay."

"Oh, wow."

"You said to be honest. And what can I say? I like when you pay for things."

Zayn hummed.

"Okay, go on."

"Our first time. Remember that?" He asked with a smile.

"I'd never done it on an air mattress before until that night. But we didn't want to wait for my bed to come in. I'm kind of glad we didn't though. I remember waking up the next morning and thinking why in world did we spend so much of our high school years bickering back and forth when we could have been doing that?"

"Stupid teenagers, I guess."

"Definitely. If I had known we'd be in love I might have squashed our petty differences back then."

Then he gasped.

"Shit, do you remember when we said our first I love you's? We were at your parents' house when they were barbecuing. We were all just standing around having beers. And I just said it. You said it right back and I almost shit my underwear, I swear. I didn't expect it."

"Didn't expect it to be so easy for me to say?"

"No, I didn't expect you to say it at all that night. To know you had already been thinking about loving me made me feel really special. I knew then how much I needed you. And that spring when we decided to get married, you showed me how much you needed me too."

The Pedestrian » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now