Texting 40: Narnia Business

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Batman: If you kill a killer, the number of killers stays the same

(F/N): True that

(F/N): I mean if you kill one pizza man then you have to murder another

(F/N): That's the Domino effect


(F/N): After Pyxis died, it just made me think that we should spend as much time with our loved ones as possible

Connie: yeah...

Jean: Yo guys

(F/N): We're not home


Eren: Why did you agree to marry me?

(F/N): simple

Eren: well what is it then?

(F/N): no it's cause you're simple


Armin: Do you have any idea how many of us soldiers have died in the past year?

(F/N): No, I'm waiting for the movie


Eren: my mother was eaten alive by a titan

(F/N): Really? You've never mentioned


(F/N): It's always you are/are not the father

(F/N): why does no one ever question whether or not it's the mothers?


(F/N): Nearly done with this contract now

(F/N): just gotta cross the I's and dot the T's

Armin: You don't dot T's

(F/N): No but you can cross your eyes

(F/N): You usually do or is that just how they normally look?

Armin: shut up

(F/N): Who do you think you're talking to right now?

(F/N): no but seriously. You're looking in different directions


(F/N): would you like a cup of tea

Hanji: Yes please

(F/N): kitchen's downstairs

Levi: I raised that boy


(F/N): Did you cleaned my room?

Levi: Yes, it was disgusting

(F/N): Where's all my stuff gone?

Levi: Like what?

(F/N): Like my books

Levi: Books?

(F/N): Okay, book


(F/N): The head hunting agency isn't nearly as fun as I thought it was going to be


(F/N): I think you're right. I have been too mean to you over the years

(F/N): Do you want to start again?

Jean: yes, thank you

(F/N): would you like to start?

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