001. procrastination

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

001. procrastination




Fallon and I are in my room, hidden amongst the horrid pile of clothes i had just chucked out of my closet onto my bed, packing my bag for Cousins. I am the biggest procrastinator in my house, and family for that matter, and i always leave everything until the last minute.

"Belly and Stella we're leaving in the next 10 minutes!" I hear my mum yell from the bottom of the stairs. 10 more minutes and i'm on my way to paradise on earth, in the house that we share with the Fishers. The beach house is what we all consider our second home, considering we live there 3 months of the year during summer time.

"Cmon Fallon, we need to hurry. I have to leave," I grab Fallon's hand and drag her up from where she was sitting on my floor.

We have been 'trying' to pack my bag for over an hour, but keep getting distracted by the Taylor Swift playlist i had blaring at a higher than necessary volume. Now all i can think about is the long car ride to my favourite place in the world. I usually hate long car rides, but if it means i get to be in Cousins for 3 whole months, i will sit my ass in that car and not complain.

"Alright Stell, i will see you for the fourth yeah?" Fallon says to me as we make our way downstairs and outside. I see her mum pull up in the driveway and pull her into a hug.

I hold her tight for a few seconds, "See you soon."

I smile at her as she walks to her car and opens the door. She looks abck at me for a moment before her mum soon drives off.

Fallon is my best friend from home. We met each other in preschool and have been best friends ever since, 16 years so far and forever to go. Susannah always tells me she sees her and my mum in our friendship, and i admire that. Susannah is my favourite person, just don't tell Conrad.

Conrad was one of the closet friends i had. We stayed in contact throughout the whole year, now I talk to Jeremiah, but Conrad was different. The last couple of months seemed different between us, it only made me more nervous to see him at the summer house this year. What could possibly happen?

Once all 4 of us are packed up in the car and my mum does her tenth check of the house to make sure we didn't leave anything unlocked or behind, we were on the road. I grab my airpods out of my bag and put them straight into my ears. Waiting for them to make the connected sound so i can start playing my music seems to take an eternity.

I got stuck in the backseat with my mum because Belly just had to call shotgun, but at least i can lay my head on her lap and i can have a nap. So that is exactly what i do, she rakes her fingers through my hair which eventually puts me to sleep.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now