016. red white & blue

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

016. red white & blue 




July fourth. My favourite day of summer every year. It was the day where the whole family was together all day, and the day Fallon always came to the house. Fallon and her family usually go to Europe in the summertime, but this year decided to give it a miss for some reason and she finally gets to come to the conklin-fisher celebrations.

Conrad and I fell asleep in my room last night, but when I woke up this morning I was met with an empty bed. He left a note saying; i'm downstairs, i love you - ur bf ;). I throw the covers off of me, and make my way downstairs. but not without getting dressed first.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Conrad walking towards the door outside until he makes eye contact with me. We meet in the middle and wrap our arms around each other.

"G'morning." he whispers into my ear.


"Gross no pda in this house," Steven yells at us, throwing something our way from the door, Susannah following inside behind him.

"Grow up Steven," I yell back as Conrad kisses my temple and grabs my hands as we walk over to where the sink is.

"Are we done with the portrait yet?" Steven says, brushing past me and conrad.

"Yeah for today. but you do look good in a dress shirt, Steven,"Susannah says as she cleans her paint brush.

"Stop lying to him, Anna," I say as Conrad starts tickling me for my comment towards my brother.

"Which makes me think, if Belly doesn't hurry up and ask Cam maybe you should take her to the ball," Susannah says as she reaches the sink.

"Ew, no way." Belly says, disgusted.

"No, no, no, yeah I'm already going with Shayla," Steven says, catching everyone by surprise.

"To the debutante ball? As an escort?" me and my mum ask at the same time.

"Yes. Wrap your head around it guys, shayla's coming over later with gigi. you'll get to meet her." Steven says, sitting down on a bar stool.

"That's wonderful. Oh, and don't forget Ms. Convington's first dance rehearsal is tomorrow, so uh tick-tock,"Susannah says directed at belly.

"I'm asking Cam today."

"I don't know my kids anymore."

"Wait, are you wearing makeup?" Susannah yells excitedly, making me step away from Conrad to move closer to my mother.

"Oh my lord she is, mum!"


"So what? we're having a party," she says trying to defend herself.

"I'm sure it has nothing to do with John coming to the clam bake?"

"Oh please. The husbands always come to the fourth."

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now