008. surfer boy

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

008. surfer boy




I left Stella at the house to go for a surf, a breather if you wish, not away from her, just for some me time, if you know what i mean. Surfing is one of the only things that can help me fully relax, let me fully let go.

Things at home have been rocky since the spring. Mum started sleeping heaps more, something she hasn't done in years. And the only time she did that was when she got sick. It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots together. I've considered telling Stella so many times since she got here, which was only yesterday. That's if i'm even correct, and there's a very slight chance i'm not. Which kills me to admit, literally.

The only reason i have to keep stopping myself from telling Stella is because my mum is like her second mum, she is in a way her being Stella's godmother. It would kill me even more to reveal mum's secret to the daughter she never had before she had the chance to tell her herself, i could never do that. And i love that girl more than life, she's my why, and all i want for her is happiness. I just cannot ruin her summer the way mine was ruined before it even started.

I've been in love with Stella since i was 10. We're only 6 months apart in age, give or take a few days, and we have been inseparable since birth practically. She is my best friend. And the love of My life, she may know i love her but i don't think she knows how much i actually do. We aren't official official as of right now, but seeing where it goes is pretty close, i guess it's a talking stage? the situationship before the actual relationship, right? Yeah. 

The worried look Stella had on her face when belly saw us on the beach comes to mind, was she really that worried? I always thought belly was in love with Jeremiah her whole life. Maybe she was just good at hiding the real deal. But i don't have eyes for her, just her older sister. Sorry not sorry belly.

I sit up on my surfboard, probably 20 metres off shore. I turn my board around so all i can see is the horizon and the ocean. I just stare into space, a void of nothing thinking about anything that comes to mind, mainly my Mum and Stella. The two main things that are most important to me this summer.

After 5 minutes i turn back around and i see someone standing near my towel. It takes me a few seconds to recognise her beautiful black long hair, the black bikini she never takes off, and wears over and over again, and her favourite denim shorts, a light wash, the pair i got her for her birthday last year. I paddle back to the shore, Stella makes eye contact with me as she walks closer to the water, just until it was up to her ankles.

"What are you doing out here by yourself pretty boy?" She brings her hand up to her eyebrows to shield her eyes from the sun. 

She never seems to own a pair of sunglasses, and even if she did own some she never wore them. She hated having a black screen in front of her eyes and the person she was talking to couldn't see her eyes, she was really adamant about eye contact.

"Just needed to clear my head pretty girl," that makes her face drop a bit. 

"Are you alright Con?" She walks over to me, i drop my board to wrap my arms around her waist, making hers go around my neck. 

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now