005. hurricane laurel

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

005. hurricane laurel




After our little moment, Conrad and i made our way back to where he was sitting before. But not without getting stocked up on drinks. Everything just feels so surreal right now. I just admitted my feelings to the boy i've been in love with since i was little, only after he admitted first. I feel like i'm living in a dream.

I lay on the sand leaning back onto Conrad, with me sitting in between his legs and him leaning back on his hands talking to Jere and Gigi beside him. I wasn't listening to their conversation, i had zoned out ages ago. I could feel Conrad raking his fingers through my hair and i was beginning to feel tired, almost falling asleep right there. 

"I'm going to get another drink, would you like one?" Conrad asks me, his mouth near my ear so i could hear him clearly over the blaring music. 

"No thank you con," i turn around and smile at him, admiring his features for a good few seconds. 

He smiles back at me and leans in and his lips make contact with mine. I move so he can get up and i watch him walk over to get himself a beer. 

I only took my eyes off of Conrad for a few seconds, and all of a sudden i hear him arguing with someone. 

"Hey jere, what's going on with Conrad over there?" I tap Jere on the shoulder, interrupting his conversation. 

"Ah shit. Stay here," He puts both hands on my shoulders and bolts over to Conrad. I don't listen to him and follow right after him. 

"What's your problem man?" The guy from the gas station asks Conrad. 

"It's one beer. It's a party  relax," he says to Conrad again, shoving him back again. 

"no. give me my beer back. i paid for this." conrad was starting to get agitated, the alcohol getting to him now. 

"Hey, hey Con. Stop this, we can get you another one okay?" I stand in front of Conrad, trying to get him to listen to me so he doesn't cause an even bigger scene. 

"Yeah listen to your girl man," the creepy guy from before making his presence known again. 

"Fuck you bro," Conrad says trying to step forward to get to the guy, whose name i don't even know. 

I see belly start to run over, the yelling clearly had been heard from all the way over where she was sitting. She was wearing someone's jacket, i'll have to ask her about that later. 

"You're not taking my fucking beer, dude," Conrad says as the guy starts to shove him, i stand back trying to not get stuck in the middle. 

I grab Conrad's arm to try and get him to back away, but he just rips it out of my grasp. The next thing i knew Belly had copped an elbow to the face and she fell to the ground. 

"Belly, oh my god. Are you okay?" I run over to her and drop to the ground myself. I turn her head around so i can see her face. 

"Belly," Conrad tries to make sure belly is okay too, but he gets shoved back again. Jere comes over trying to intervene, Conrad yelling at the guy for hurting belly. 

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now