022. much needed apologies

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

022. much needed apologies 




After the volleyball tournament, Conrad and I ducked home to get ready for a party Shayla had invited us to. It was at some guy's house named Liam, or something. I honestly cannot remember. It took some convincing from me and the boys for Conrad to agree to the party, but he ended up saying yes in the end

Pulling up to the house, people were already everywhere. As soon as I closed the car door you could hear the music blaring, and if the music choices were this bad all night, I was going straight home to bed where I should be right now.

I held Conrad's hand as we walked up to the house, he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles when we reached the porch stairs. No matter how many parties I go to, my anxiety is always the same. I would never miss out on a fun party with my boyfriend and our friends, but the fact that there's so many people in one tiny space makes my mind run wild.

I look around to see who. knew that was here. I spotted my brother instantly, I couldn't find Belly or Taylor so I assumed they'd get here later. Steven waved us over, Conrad looked back behind him to make sure I'm still following and held tighter onto my hand as we migrated our way through the noisy crowd.

"Yo, did you see the car in the garage bro? I think it's a dino 246,"Steven yells excitedly over the loud music as he backhands Conrad on the shoulder.

"Liam's family just loves to show off Steven," I say back.

"Dude, I can't imagine growing up like this."

"Yeah it's pretty crazy, huh," Conrad looks at me and laughs.

"Whatever man you're rich too," Steven says, rolling his eyes.

"Steven!" I yelled in a scolding tone, telling him to stop.

"Yeah I guess, but not like this," Conrad says as he turns around and looks at the house we're all in right now.

"These kids went to boarding school and came back stuck up assholes," I say following Conrad and Steven down the hall some more.

"Stella, don't be a buzzkill."

"Shut up Steven."

We all turned around at the sound of many people cheering. And then there's the one and only Jeremiah Fisher; a literal human magnet, with people all around him watching as he chugs some drink out of a drink fountain.

Steven starts cheering loudly and walks over to where it was, leaving me and Conrad standing alone. He grabs both my hands and looks down into my eyes, and leans down but before our lips connect he pulls away and reaches into his pocket.

He pulls a face as he looks down at the screen, Belly had been sending him non-stop for over an hour. He told me this morning, she was asking all sorts of questions she really didn't need to ask.

"She really hasn't stopped," he says handing me his phone, "reply back, tell her to stop or something. Pretend you're me."

"She might not listen, just like she hasn't before," I scroll up through the messages and sigh.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now