013. a hard time

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

013. a hard time




It was around 2 in the afternoon and Taylor had arrived at the summer house. They ran straight up to Belly's room claiming they had no time to talk and wanted to get straight into the pool. I decided I wanted to cool off too, and Jeremiah and Steven were in there so I wouldn't be alone with just the girls.

Putting on my blue bikini I bought last summer, I quickly put my hair up in a claw clip and put some sunscreen on and headed downstairs, not forgetting a towel. Walking outside, I get a disgusted look from Taylor and Belly, making me feel self conscious straight away.

"Do you seriously have to come down here too? Especially wearing that," belly rolls her eyes and sighs loudly, Taylor laughing at her.

"You don't own the pool belly, get over it," Jeremiah yells back at her, smiling at me afterwards.

I walked over to the pool chairs and put my stuff down on the one that wasn't being used by someone else. I jumped in the pool next to the boys, making a huge splash. They retaliate by starting a water fight between just the three of us, ignoring belly and taylor giving us looks from the other end of the pool.

I could faintly hear Taylor talking about how Conrad would die over belly in her swimsuit, I try to block them out, he's with me not her. Taylor continued to make comments about me and belly agreeing with her, making me feel even worse.

"Are you alright?" Steven wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug, obviously sensing my anxiety.

"Oh yeah i'm fine, don't worry," i look down into the water, ignoring his worried gaze on me.

"You'll tell if you weren't, yes?" Steven asks me, I nod at him looking at him this time.

"Oh my god, let's play chicken," Taylor says, interrupting us before I could speak again.

"I'm down," Jeremiah says, swimming over to the middle, Steven following him and dragging me too.

"Oh Stella, there's only room for four, you have to sit out, it can only be us four, sorry" Taylor tilts her head at me smiling, not caring about the odd number specifically removing me. My eyes go wide and I look at Steven, his face matching mine.

"Um, well I'm not playing then," Steven says to Taylor, annoyance evident in his tone. Taylor rolls her eyes, she's always hated the bond Steven and I had as twins, obviously jealous.

"Why not steven?" belly speaks next, annoyed at Steven taking my side.

"Because it's not fair for you to exclude her," I put my hand on Steven's shoulder to get him to stop.

"No, it's ok, I'll hop out. Have fun," I swim over to the steps, facing away from them as tears build up in my eyes.

"Stella!" Steven yells after me as I walk in the direction of the beach, and I bump into someone while trying to wipe the tears that were blocking my vision.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now