019. like a firework show

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

019. like a firework show 




After letting everything die down a little, Conrad and I made our way down to the dock to watch the firework shows everyone had set up on the beach. We were constantly pointing out ones we really liked and shared a few kisses in between.

I have always loved this part of the fourth of july. Just watching all the bright colours in the sky, surrounded by my family and my boyfriend was truly the best part. Conrad closes the small gap between us, I lay my head on his arm as I wrap my hand around it. As I go to say something I hear something that sounds like footsteps coming from behind us. I turned around and made eye contact with Belly, who looked like she was ready for her night swim.

"Why are you out here con?" she asks Conrad, ignoring the fact we were intertwined with each other, having alone time.

"We're watching the fireworks," he says as he looks down at me and back out towards the water.

"So, does everyone hate me now? You won't even talk to me," she says, starting to raise her voice at us.

"We don't hate you Belly, but you don't talk to us either." I say softly to her, preparing myself for the raised volume of her voice.

"God stella, i wasn't talking to you."

"Don't speak to her like that Belly,'' Conrad says, turning around to face belly and letting go of me in the process.

"But I wasn't speaking to her conrad."

"That doesn't matter. I know you're angry about us being together but maybe you need to think about what makes Stella happy instead of how it only affects you,"Conrad says, Belly stepping back a little and giving him a look, "Belly i don't see you how you want me to. I love Stella and you need to accept that. alright?"

"I didn't come down here for a lecture from you conrad." Conrad rolls his eyes and turns around and wraps his arms around my waist again and pulls me closer to him. He looks out to the direction of the fireworks and points out one he liked to me.

"I know you didn't, but you needed to hear it anyway." I turn my head to see Belly storming back towards the pool. I saw Jeremiah just standing there so I waved him over so he wasn't by himself.

"Can Jere come down here? He's all by himself,"Conrad nods his head and smiles down at me.

Jere doesn't say anything when he stands next to us. He just turns and smiles and looks back out at the last bits of the fireworks everyone had planned. Calling it a night we all headed back up to the house. Ee passed Belly on the way, but once again got ignored.

Quickly stopping in my room to get my pyjamas on, I hear my door open as I'm brushing my hair. He stops behind me and hugs me. I lean back into him and we just stand there for a little bit.

"Can we stay in here tonight?"

'What's wrong with your room?' I laughed at him.

"We need a change of scenery duh," he laughs back and starts tickling me, making me jump back.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now