015. putting a label on it

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ lover of mine.

015. putting a label on it 




Pulling up to Nicole's house, my stomach filled with nervous butterflies. I can't figure out why, but I feel like something might happen tonight. Conrad opens my door for me and holds my hand while we walk towards the front door. Nicole's house was lovely, but not as nice as Susannah's. Nothing would beat the beauty of our summer house.

I opened the door and was met with the stench of beer and alcohol mixed with the smell of people who didn't know how to properly apply appropriate amounts of deodorant. We lost Belly and everyone else as soon as we got here. I was hoping they went off to do their own things so I could just enjoy my night and not worry about every little move I took and how I acted.

I hear Nicole yell Belly's name, I turn to my left to see her grabbing belly's hand and dragging her into the dining room. I could tell Taylor was jealous whenever belly talked about the deb girls she has become close with, she felt replaced and i didn't think it was that serious if i'm being honest. And soon enough Taylor walks away when Nicole takes Belly and heads straight for the drink table.

"Would you like a drink Ell?" Conrad asks me as he leans down to meet my ear because the music was so loud we could hardly hear each other.

"Only a little one please, you pick," I smile up at him, he places a kiss on my lips before I watch him walk over to the table.

Seeing Taylor eyeball us when he returned to where we're standing with our friends, the little bit of alcohol I had consumed made me just wave at her while my other arm was around Conrad's waist and loved seeing her eyes roll when I did.

Not paying attention to the conversation that was going on between our friends, I looked out of the corner of my eye Belly looking at Conrad with love heart eyes, completely ignoring i was there, as he had his arm around my shoulder as he drank his beer.

"Do you want to come play beer pong with us, I need my partner," Conrad says as he spins me to be standing directly in front of him, both hands grasping my shoulders.

"Let's do it," he smiles and kisses me a couple times before taking my free hand and taking us outside.

"That's my girl."

The table had already been set up, and Jeremiah was currently pouring the drinks in all of the cups. It was Jeremiah and Cam on one team and me and Conrad on the other. Jeremiah went on about the karaoke song he and Cam did in front of Belly in the living room a few minutes ago.

"Wait, cam, have you started the waltz lessons yet? ms. Covington's a real sadist,"Conrad asks, throwing the ping pong ball. I hit his chest with the back of my hand and he grabs it and twirls me around to face him before he kisses me.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The dance teacher, for the ball," I say as I turn back around and lean back onto conrad.

"Oh, yeah, Belly hasn't really asked me yet," Cam's mood seems to diminish quickly as he answers Conrad's question, making me feel bad for him.

"Oh, don't worry Cam i'm sure she will soon," i smile at him and he smiles back.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, conrad fisher ¹Where stories live. Discover now