Chapter 1 The Love Festival Part 1

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(Hey everyone and welcome to Book 2 of The New Rainbow Squads. For those of you who are new here I recommend you look at my first book of this little series of mine, Here's the link to it: With that being said Enjoy! Enderpearl Girl out!)

A month later after The Rainbow Squads had fought Adrienne, the princess of Negativity, and found the Rainbow Crystal Hearts shards, they were following Iris into the park with their animal guides in tow. Iris herself was the Princess of the Kingdom of Positivity that had been overrun by Adrienne and her father Lucifer. The two wanted to destroy the Rainbow Crystal Heart and make earth just like Iris's kingdom which was currently in ruins.

"Hey Iris, what do you want to show us?" Jake asked.

"You'll see. I have a feeling you all are going to like it!" Iris exclaimed.

"Yeah Jake I know where we're going, and you all are going to love it!" Paccia exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah I haven't been there in a long time, It'sss going to be ssso much fun when we get there," Kate explained.

"It would be fun if we knew where we're going," Josh said, a bit nervous about this.

"Don't worry guys, you're going to love it!" Iris exclaimed.

"Well I have to go shopping later for groceries so let's hurry up," Jane explained.

"Okay we're here now!" Iris exclaimed before stopping and turning to face her friends.

"Um Iris, where are we exactly?" Eirck asked, confused.

"Yeah all I see is more forest," Jake said, confused.

"Hehe, you'll see, just hold on to my hand," Iris said she then put her hands out.

Despite everyone being confused, they all piled their hands onto Iris's hand, next thing they knew, a rainbow light surrounded them, and they instantly started flying up into the clouds. Everyone screamed in fear as they flew up into the sky. Josh was so scared that he'd started to scream and cry as jumped into the arms of the person closest to him. Soon they all stopped flying up in the air and their feet settled on soft ground.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Josh kept on screaming as he still thought they were flying.

"Josh we're fine so can you stop screaming and get off me?" Jane asked as she was the one Josh jumped onto.

Josh then opened his eyes and saw that they were not flying anymore. He felt pretty embarrassed that he was on Jane so he got off of her.

"Sorry Jane, I kinda went into panic mode there," Josh explained, shaken and trying to calm down.

"Why did you freak out like that Josh?" Umang asked curiously.

"Well Umang I'm scared of heights also I didn't expect us to go in the air like that," Josh explained, still shaken a little.

"Well you're going to have to get over that fear because of where this place is," Akira explained.

"Um, why and where are we?" Josh asked, confused.

"Um, I think you'll get your answer if you look out to the horizon," Jake explained.

Everyone else looked in the same direction where Jake was and saw the whole city from where they were. Josh then looked down to the ground and saw that it ended on a puffy cloud. He walked a bit closer to the edge and saw that they were on a cloud higher up then any of the skyscrapers in the city. When he saw that he backed away from the ledge as seeing how high up they were made him feel sick to his stomach.

The New Rainbow Squads Book 2Where stories live. Discover now