Chapter 15 The Amazons

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Two Days later the Rainbow Squads and the Royal Children were getting ready to head on over to the next kingdom, which was the Amazons. So they all packed up their things and got ready to go. Cen decided to go with them as he wanted to help them out as much as he could. His mother allowed him to go even if she would be worried about him, she'd still allowed him to go along with them.

"Alright everyone ready to go?" Iris asked as she got the Key ready.

"I'm ready to go!" Melody stated excitedly.

"Yeah me too, I made sure I had everything I would need," Cen said.

Everyone nodded saying that they had everything they would need for the trip to the Amazons.

"Alright let's get going now!" Iris exclaimed as she used the Key to open another portal to the Amazon's world.

"Awesome! I wonder what their world is going to be like?" Lila asked.

"I don't know but I am excited to meet them, after all from what I read about Amazons, their tough and powerful women," Jane explained.

"They are, and I have to give you boys a heads up, the Amazons are leary around men so you boys need to be careful around them," Iris explained.

" Alright, thanks Iris," Jake said.

"Anything for my friends! Now let's get going and warn them about the invasion," Iris stated and opened the portal that would take them to the Amazon's world.

The Squads and the Royal Children all got ready and went through the portal to warn the Amazons about the upcoming invasion of their kingdom.

In the Shadow Realm, Jack and John were heading to Adrienne's room as she had requested their presence. When they arrived in her room they saw that a doctor was checking up on her.

"Hello my queen, how are you doing today?" Jack asked.

"Ugh what do you think!?" Adrienne asked angrily in a croaked voice.

"Um... you requested our presence?" Jack asked.

"That's better, I want to know if you two are willing to lead another invasion?" Adrienne asked.

"Why of course we are my queen. You just rest and my brother and I will take care of the invasion for you," John said.

"Good... Cough-Cough" Adrienne said before coughing and spluttering.

"Hmm Well my queen it looks like you have a dark fever common around this time of year. All you need is just about a week's worth of bed rest and you'll be much better," the doctor explained.

"Ugh! I better get better by then! I'm not willing to spend any more than a week in bed!" Adrienne explained angrily.

"I know but you should just rest for now, and I'll bring you some medicine," the doctor said as they got up and packed up their things.

"My queen, you don't need to worry about your pretty little head. John and I will take care of the invasions till you're better, you just rest and get better," Jack explained.

"If that's the case then you two get to work now! The Rainbow Squads could be at the Amazons at any moment and you two need to strike before they have time to alert them," Adrienne explained.

"Of course my queen. Let's go Jack and get the invasion ready before the squads alert the Amazons about us," John said. He then grabbed Jack by the wrist and brought him out of the room and to the army they'd use for the invasion.

Meanwhile outside of the room the Shadow shifter was hiding in the shadows listening in on the conversation. When they heard that Adrienne's condition was that of a fever they wished they could feel relief. However they couldn't but they did understand that it meant that no one would suspect that Adrienne was poisoned with a potion.

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