Chapter 9 The Dream

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On the day of the VIdcon, the Squads were on a private plane that Ed's dad kindly arranged for them. Everyone was chilling in the plane enjoying the time they had while on the plane.

"Hey Ed, it was nice of your dad to arrange this for us," Erick said as he took a sip from his pop can.

"Hehe yeah, he was going to use this for a business trip, but it had to be delayed until next month and the project wasn't ready for presentation. So it was free to use and he decided to let us use it for Vidcon," Ed explained.

"Hehe well whatever the reason I feel awesome! I'm on a private plane with my amazing friends, going to my first ever Vidcon! I feel like a king! Aw man, I'm still amazed that we got invited to Vidcon!" Josh exclaimed.

"Hehe yeah same here! What about you Hannah?" Jake asked. However when he looked over he saw that Hannah was half asleep and wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying.

"Yo H! Are you good?" Erick asked.

"Huh? Oh y-yeah I am, I've just been struggling to get a good night's sleep lately," Hannah explained.

"Really how come? Are you alright?" Ed asked.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine guys I've just been having strange dreams for a while," Hannah explained.

"Oh really? What are they about?" Lila asked curiously.

"I can't remember what it's about. All I know is that when I wake up I'm in a hot, cold sweat and shaking violently," Hannah explained.

"Ew I know what it's like waking up like that, I wake up like that sometimes when I'm sick," Josh explained.

"Hey Hannah, you should get some rest. We're going to be landing in another two hours and we're going to be incredibly busy with getting everything together when we get to the hotel," everyone heard Catherine explain. They all looked to the entrance of the next room and they saw Cathreine standing there with some cloth in her hands.

"Yeah, there's a spare bedroom, just a few rooms down, if you want to be more comfortable," Ed explained.

"T-Thanks guys I'll go do that," Hannah mumbled and got up from her seat to get some rest. She got up and went to one of the doors that led out to a hallway that had really nice carpeting. She walked down the hallway looking out at the window to the amazing view of the clouds.

'Man I never thought I'd be here in life, but here I am, I'm going to Vidcon, I'm flying in a private jet, and I'm with my friends. All I need is just to get some sleep as I haven't been able to for the last few nights,' Hannah thought to herself as she went into one of the bedrooms and collapsed on the bed. Hannah passed out only in a few seconds after closing her purple eyes that had glowed red for a split second. An hour later Hannah woke up in the same bed that she fell asleep in, she sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Yawn... How long was I asleep for?... I should get up and see if we have arrived yet," Hannah said to herself as she got up, stretched her arms, and walked up to the same door she had entered before falling asleep. She put her hand on the knob and opened the door; however, when she opened her eyes again from rubbing them she saw a black empty hallway.

"Um... what the heck?! Wasn't I on the plane?" Hannah asked herself. She then walked into the dark hallway and the door closed behind her and when she looked back she saw that it was now gone, leaving a black wall in its place.

"Okay, this isn't normal, where on earth am I? How did I get here, last I recall I was on a plane to Las vegas with my friends to VIdcon and now I'm here," Hannah said to herself. She looked around the place a bit more and didn't see anywhere else to go aside from straight ahead so she decided to go that way.

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