Chapter 14 The Centaur's

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Two days later the Squads had finished their time in the fairy kingdom and they had to move on to the next one. Oberon however wanted to go with them as he wanted to explore more places outside of his own world.

While his father was hesitant to allow his son to leave their kingdom, Oberon reassured his father that he would be careful. After hearing this Philip allowed his son to go but under the condition that he'd message him whenever he could to which Oberon agreed to. Once Oberon had packed all his items he left with the Squads to go to the next kingdom.

"You know I'm gonna miss those wings. It felt so awesome to fly around the place," Jake said.

"Well I won't miss them, I got a constant itch from them. Also Oberon, why do you have a wing shop here in the first place?" Erick asked.

"Oh well it's for fairies who lose their wings in accidents, after all what's a fairy without wings? Wings are our pride and joy; they are what make us who we are. So if we don't have wings then, who are we?" Oberon asked.

"Ah okay that makes a lot of sense," Erick said.

"So they like prosthetic limbs," Jenny said.

"What's a prosthetic?" Oberon asked.

"It's a thing back on earth. Prosthetics are given to those who're missing a needed limb," Ed explained.

"It's true Ed's dad has donated money to a charity who helps give those the prosthetics they need," Amara explained.

"Aww that's so nice of him! I can't wait to meet your dad Ed... If I'm allowed to go to earth with you all," Melody said.

"If you want to go to earth Melody you can. After all, you're welcome to go there and spend as much time there as you like," Josh explained.

Melody smiled at that, but the two then became flustered and looked away from each other while blushing. Lila, Faith, and Umang all smiled at this as they all knew that Melody and Josh were in love.

"Alright you guys, our next stop is the Centaur's!" Iris exclaimed.

"Ohh that sounds interesting! I wonder what they'll be like?" Erick asked.

"Well love there's only one way for us to find out," Jane explained as she hugged Erick from behind.

"Alright guys we gotta be careful! Adrienne seems to keep on coming up with new tricks. While we do get the upper hand we need to be careful, as we don't know what she'll come up with next," Hannah explained to everyone.

They all nodded in agreement, understanding that they had to be careful as Adrienne seemed to have been using them as an attempt to bargain for the artifacts she was after. So they'd have to look out for one another as one of them could get seriously hurt if they weren't careful.

"Alright, Iris open the portal and let's get going," Hannah said.

"Understood, let's go you guys," Iris said as she opened the portal.

"Hey Amanda, do you think Hannah would be a good leader?" Akira asked.

"I'm sure about it, so far she's shown excellent leadership skills, I hope she'll continue to show those skills throughout the rest of our journey," Amanda said.

"I have a feeling she will! I can feel it within her!" Paccia explained happily.

Amanda smiled at that, she then started following Hannah along with everyone else through the portal and to the next Kingdom.

In the Shadow Realm, John was heading up to his brother's room with some dark chocolate chip cookies and milk. He had heard about what had happened two days ago and he wanted to help his brother feel a little better. He opened the door to Jack's room and when he went in he saw all the mirrors were shattered and his brother was in the center of the room with his hands covering his face.

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