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winterfell, westeros

— THE FROSTY GROUND CRUNCHED SLIGHTLY UNDERFOOT AS THE PRINCESS STEPPED INTO THE COURTYARD. She could see her breath in the air, and began to wish she'd gone back to her room for her cloak as the northern breeze brushed over her bare shoulders and pierced the light fabric of her dress. Still, she hadn't felt like explaining to anyone she saw on the way why she wasn't at the feast or why she needed to step outside. The truth was, she just wanted some air, but even her mother hardly allowed her fresh air without a guard breathing down her neck.

After Lyanna had gone off with Jason, Robb had given a tiny bow, apologising for his sister's behaviour, though the look he shot after her was endearing and amused. Marianna assured him she didn't mind, and when he'd asked if she did indeed want to dance, she'd told him she did. He was actually quite a good dancer, and Marianna found that she didn't step on his toes a single time. Her instructor used to chatsize her, saying that if she ever wanted to dance well, she needed to trust her partner. Maybe it was the way he didn't look at his sister any differently for behaving outside of the ways a lady should, or maybe it was the way he laughed and smiled so easily, but she found herself trusting him already – not that Marianna was what you'd call a skeptical person. He'd been pulled away from dancing when his youngest sister, Arya, threw food at his second-youngest sister, Sansa, and his mother did not wish for chaos to ensue. He excused himself politely and, though he laughed, he took the little girl from the table and up to bed.

Left on her own in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people and several thoughts drifting about her mind, she'd stepped out of the sightlines of her ever-watchful family – aside from her drunken father who was getting a little too close to one of the serving women – and out into the quiet night that lay outside. Now she let those thoughts become coherent. I can be happy here. That was the first one that surfaced. Of course, she could be wrong, but from what she'd seen so far, the Starks were kind, and they'd been nothing but welcoming to her; first Lyanna, then Lord Eddard, then Robb. Her second thought was, Mother will hate this. Of course she wanted her daughter to be happy, but Marianna had a sneaking suspicion that Cersei's plan had been to wait until the girl became discontent in the cold so far from home and then plead for the king to bring her back. Robert and Cersei did not get along, but he'd rather deal with her content than not, and he did love his daughter. If she truly desired to return to King's Landing, he would allow it. And the third. Father will be happy. Lord Stark was his best friend, like a brother to him. Knowing that this arrangement would keep his little girl happy and keep their houses even further aligned for another generation to come and hopefully after that too.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of metal striking wood, and a grunt that was definitely human. What is anyone doing out here in the cold? She wondered. During a feast, no less? Though, she supposed she wasn't one to judge at the moment. When she turned the corner, she found herself facing a dark-haired boy with a sword in his hand, huffing as he stepped away from a training dummy. He froze when he noticed her, dropping his head in a bow. "Princess."

She shook her head with a smile. "Please, don't trouble yourself. I'm in hiding."

He stood upright again, offering her a slightly amused look of confusion. "Who are you hiding from, If I may ask?"

"My mother," she fiddled with her skirt. "My father, my brother." She scrunched her nose. "I guess everybody, really. Who are you?"

His eyes widened as he realised he'd failed to give her his name. "My apologies, my name is Jon Snow."

Her mind sorted through what she'd learned of the Starks before coming here. "You're Lord Eddard's son." Well, she did feel a little relieved at that. If he was Robb's brother, she didn't have to worry about hiding the fact that she'd left the feast because the idea of betrothal was just a little overwhelming.

Jon, on the other hand, was surprised to see how little the name of a bastard bothered her, how she simply referred to him as 'Lord Eddard's son'. He didn't question it though. It was something of a relief. Her hands moved to grip her arms then, subconsciously trying to stave off the night's chill. Jon frowned. "Are you cold?"

She blinked, seeming to realise what she was doing and shook her head. "Well, perhaps a little, but it's quite nice, actually." They both looked upwards when a small rustling sound caught their attention, followed by a strange tapping. Mariann smiled, then gave two short whistles. There was a moment of quiet before the fluttering of wings filled the air, and Vy dove to land on her shoulder. "Hello darling," she cooed. "Are you liking the cold?"

"He's yours?" Jon realised, sounding rather impressed.

She nodded, opening her mouth to respond when another voice cut in. "Princess. I was wondering where you went off to." She turned to find Robb approaching and smiled. "Not trying to end the royal line with a training sword, are you Jon?" He teased, making his brother laugh.

"No, this one can stay. She's quite nice."

Robb's eyes went back to Marianna, who gave a light shrug. "I just needed some air."

He nodded, but frowned as he looked over her gown. "You should get back inside before you catch your death out here. The North isn't known for being forgiving." She opened her mouth to protest, but stopped short when he offered his arm. "Please? I'll escort you back to your room, if you'd rather not return to the feast."

She knew it was little moments like that – even something as simple as walking together – that would make a difference between them, and Robb was putting forth the effort. So she nodded. "Thank you." She looked back at Jon with a little smile. "Good night, my Lord." Vy preened her hair with a little squawk, but took off when the pair neared the doors. He clearly didn't want to be back inside so soon.

"Are you enjoying the North, Princess?" Robb asked as they made their way through the corridors.

She nodded. "It's very peaceful here. In King's Landing, you can hear the voices of the city all through the night, even from the tallest tower of the Red Keep. there's no silence like there is here."

"I hope that means you'll sleep alright."

"Thank you." They soon came to her door, and she stopped, turning to face him. "I enjoyed the night." She told him. "And spending time with you and your family, my Lord."

His mouth twitched slightly at one side. "Would you call me Robb, Princess?"

She blinked, and then a tiny pleased smile worked its way onto her features. "If you will call me Marianna."

At that, his tiny smirk grew to a full grin. "Well, then I enjoyed spending time with you too, Marianna." He took one of her hands gently in his and lifted it to place a small kiss on her knuckles. "Good night."

She pressed her lips together to hold back the smile that threatened to take over entirely. "Good night, Robb." He started off down the hall once more and she slipped into her room. The reality of what had just occurred settled in when she closed the door behind her.

I met my betrothed. He's not horrid. He's actually quite wonderful. His family is kind too. She may have had concerns before, but now she couldn't be happier about the man her father had chosen for her. There were so many worse things than a boy who grinned as brightly as the sun and danced better than her teacher and okay, made the occasional joke about ending the royal line. Whatever. Vy approves. He must be good. She gave a little sigh as she wrapped herself in a blanket from her bed before collapsing onto it. Everything is going to be fine.

It's late and I'm tired, so while I'm pretty sure there are no spelling mistakes, this could very well make no sense and just be an entirely unhinged chapter born from my desire to write fluff before everybody starts dying. I'll proofread in the morning... maybe. Love youuuuu

Update: I did, in fact, read over this again and it's not nearly as unhinged as I thought it would be. Enjoy, lovely people.

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