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winterfell, westeros

— MARIANNA HURRIED TO THE COURTYARD BEFORE TYRION COULD GET HIS HORSE. "Uncle!" she stopped before entering the courtyard and the sightlines of anyone above.

Tyrion turned, smiling when he saw her. "My sweet niece." He made his way over and she knelt to hug him. "How has the North been treating you?"

She smiled, but there was unease at the edges of her expression. "Very well, uncle. Robb and Lyanna have been nothing but kind and welcoming."

He tilted his head, frowning a little. "Then what troubles you?"'

Caught. She pursed her lips, ensuring that no one was nearby before she spoke in a whisper. "Did you know?"

His brows furrowed. "Know what?"

"Bran." she could feel her throat closing. She didn't want to hear the truth if it was terrible. "Did you know?" it sounded less like a question now, more like a tentative statement or accusation.

He gave a sigh, his voice even quieter than hers when he replied, "I suspected." but she heard, and she pressed her fingers to her lips in shock and dismay. Her Uncle Tyrion was the cleverest person she knew. If he'd suspected, she could safely assume it was true. He ran a gentle, comforting hand down her arm. "I'm sorry." he told her sincerely.


He shook his head. "I don't know."

"That's a lie." her tone was accusatory, but not harsh.

The dwarf gave a stretched out sigh. "I don't know for certain." She bit the inside of her cheek, offering a tiny nod. She could see it was the truth. "Will you be alright here? I can always send your Uncle Jamie or possibly your Uncle Renly to get you out."

She shook her head. "I'm alright." She assured him. "I've grown to like it here." She didn't want to say that she didn't want to see her mother again without knowing the truth of things.

Tyrion's satisfaction with that information was entwined with unease. He was pleased she'd found a home here, but if things worsened between the Lannisters and the Starks, would it crumble to dust? "You're my favourite of your mother's children. Did you know that?"

A smile crossed her face. "I'm glad I saw you again."

"So am I, dear."

— ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ —

After Bran's saddle had been finished, the girls decided to accompany Robb and Theon out into the woods with the boy and his horse for his first ride beyond castle walls. The two young men sat on a log a short distance away, talking in low voices whilst Marianna and Lyanna grinned at the cheering Bran atop his horse, trotting around the small clearing.

"Not too fast." Robb called out with a smile.

"Come on, Dancer!" Bran said excitedly. Lyanna chuckled fondly, and Marianna felt a certain tenseness leave her at her friend's good spirits. "Come on!"

Just then, Theon's voice raised enough for Marianna to hear. "A Lannister put his spear through your father's leg." She pursed her lips lightly. She'd read the message from King's Landing. She knew that whatever disagreements were going on between the Starks and the Lannisters were escalating quickly, and it left a knot of unease in her stomach. She glanced back and caught Robb watching her. His expression was devoid of any suspicion or anger, surprisingly enough, but whatever was there, she couldn't read it. "The Kingslayer rides for Casterly Rock where no one can touch him-"

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