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the stormlands, westeros

— LYANNA AND JAY WALKED ALONG THE CLIFFS, LOOKING OUT OVER THE MOONLIT WATER. Their paces were leisurely, their spirits light."Birds."

Lyanna shook her head, pursing her lips together to hide a wide grin. "Mm-mm. Snakes, I'm telling you."

"Birds can fly!"

"I'm sure that's very useful once they've been swallowed whole."

Jay rolled his eyes with a huff. "Fine then. Direwolves or shadowcats?"

She turned to his with an expression that seemed to say, are you fucking kidding me? "Direwolves, through and through. Honestly-"

"Good evening my lady. Ser." Lyanna turned with a small frown, straightening as she did. Her entire figure and posture seemed to change from lighthearted and fun to proper and intimidating. Coming to a stop only a few feet away was Lord Petyr Baelish.

"Lord Baelish." her voice was cool and collected as she scanned him over.

"Lord Baelish." Jay echoed, though there was a touch of wariness in his tone, the fingers of his sword hand tapping lightly and silently against his belt as they did when possibly preparing to be used.

The lord gave them a small nod before focusing on Lyanna. "Lady Lyanna, I'd hoped I might speak with you." his eyes flickered to Jay. "Privately."

Jay's eyes were suspicious, but turned to Lyanna nonetheless for her decision. She nodded. "It's alright, Jay, you may leave us. I'll find you later." He hesitated another second before inclining his head and leaving. Lyanna tilted her head, a silent beckon as she continued slowly along the cliffside. "I hear you returned my father's bones to my mother. I thank you for that, though I know it does not come without a price. What is it you seek from me?"

"I am merely here to build alliances, my lady."


"You have every reason in the world to doubt my intentions, but you should know better than most what kind of alliances friendships can forge. You and Ser Jason seem close."

"Indeed. That still does not explain why you have come seeking me. You've known my mother since before you were anyone. I have never met you before tonight."

He nodded slowly. "Friendships can be... complicated things. I'm afraid your mother doesn't trust me very much after what happened to your father. I hoped that between you and I... we might be able to start fresh."

"I see." she shook her head after a moment. "What happened to my father was the fault of the Lannisters. And no one saves anyone from a lion in its own territory. My father was not made for King's Landing. He would never have made it there, I see that now."

"As do I."

She turned to observe him for a long moment. "Again, I thank you, Lord Baelish. I will consider your offer. For now, I bid you goodnight."


Before this war of five kings broke out, Lyanna might have had trouble navigating Renly's camp. Now that she'd spent many months in Robb's, however, it was much easier. She and Jay shared a tent, and when she entered, she found him sitting on his bed. She breezed right past to flop down on hers, making him frown slightly while she observed the tent fabric above them.

"What did Littlefinger want then?"

She blew a puff of air through her lips. "Who knows. They're all liars in King's Landing, and Baelish is supposedly one of the best. He claims to want an alliance, a friendship, but I expect there's far more to it than that." Jay was silent. "Oh, come on. You never shut up, but now you do?? What are you thinking?"

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